
@Dream Weaver: is a "prostitution whore" different than the regular kind of whore?

@Jen007: I like to do both.

read a study years ago that basically said mentality is part of why people fail at working out consistently.

@wonderkrisp: agree 100%, you don't mess with perfection.

oh gawd, that was awful. Somewhere between Knight Rider and Airewolf in hell awful.

@The_Geb: still he's going to have to start working out 4 years ago to be in shape for beast. Beast ain't willowy and thin, even has a teenager.

@Sl0th: what about Mutant X? Didn't he have his won series on an alternate earth where Storm is a Vampire?

@AmphetamineCrown: I have a hard time believing that "serious" cooks don't care about the amount of heat that's wasted with the use of gas stoves. Seems to me a serious cook wouldn't want to waste heat any more than they'd want to waste time.

@scot.swan: I thought this was a gambling reference (the game, Craps) and that the reference was to something that you had no real way of controlling whether it would pan out or not.

@Chrispy Fried: You do realize that emails actually do get lost sometimes? Servers go down, things happen.

@bighead: oh indeed it does.

@lhed: you'd be surprised :)

@manimatr0n: the clitoris is essentially a small penis. On a child, they can, and sometimes do look ambiguous.

neither works on either my cell number or my google voice number.

I also recall reading a hair dryer set on high. Point it at the itch until it hurts, then immediately stop.

my signature doesn't have an apology but it does say it's sent from my Android phone, because context is sometimes helpful.

@eclaw: which option did you want? I see credit card, pay through cell service, paypal, google checkout....

@gameraboy: considering those ads are what make free apps possible in the first place, there's no way they're going to let you disable permissions like that. That's like asking someone to give up their paycheck because you find writing checks to be a real hassle.