
you forgot Brak and Zorak. Who else would Space Ghost blast on Cartoon Planet??

Farmville makes me think of the Sims. I had "The Urbz" that urban Sims game and it just ended up being boring/made me feel pathetic about my real life after the novelty wore off. I wish I could pay my monthly bills simply by shooting hoops, sorting pills, and dodging tomatoes. At the same time, I don't have to

@Lion_Knight: She does live, piano-only versions of a great deal of her songs.

@Prairie Moon: Oh god, I almost took you seriously then I got the joke.

@Ccomfo1: I've worked in tech support and even when you give people simple directions, they still can't follow them.

@strabes: Sorry, As mentioned before the bank is making a HUGE profit of of my money already. Just the fact that I have X dollars in their bank that stays relatively stable (I don't take out large amounts all the time) They are making money, and a DAMN LOT OF IT.

@ffejie: Yes, it's the government's fault your bank is run by greedy thugs.

@citaro: I don't get it either. I can pull up my "Family" label and then look for "humor" and find the joke Dad sent me 2 years ago.

@Prairie Moon: To each their own, but I prefer conversation view, and in fact hate that Outlook doesn't have that (I'm on 2003 still at work)

I find it bizarre that some people are okay with this.

@Flail: poor Monkey. :(

the only problem I have with stainless steel bottles besides the clanking the fact you can't see the water level from the outside, or that they can get scratched up and dented easily is that they're not sqeezable.