This Guy Fawkes

Fine, but I feel like Cordon actually *could* replicate something like this because again, it’s just celebrities being silly out of context. It’s honestly not all that amazing.

I like Craig and while I didn’t watch much of his show (I don’t watch late night talk shows in general) the little I saw it it was better than the little I saw of Cordons. But its weird to use this as proof one is better than the other, when this is still just having celebrities showing up to do silly things, when

It isn’t. And in the video the guy essentially, (possibly in verbatim, I forget) says that’s the business and you have to get thicker skin.

The YouTube clip focuses more on him just kind of being a dick to the crew who had worked hard on a set, showed up late, and yelled about how everybody could work quicker. Nothing damming, but yet another piece of evidence that he’s a giant asshole

The more I think about it, going the safe route is the smart play. Because the vast majority of the helpful suggestions in this comment section are terrible. I hope you guys are kidding.

I do not want a movie shot from a 1st person POV

Every time a theater plays the movie they shave 0.3-0.5 seconds off the runtime. 

If it comes down to Trump vs DeSantis among Republican voters, Trump is going to beat Ron like a mule, and it’s insane people are predicting otherwise. We’re talking about a pool of Republican voters. To these people Trump is extremely charismatic and I don’t know if you’ve ever heard Ron speak, but the man has

Tom: Can we do what my family does at Thanksgiving?

Because they got spied

Strange World had one character who happened to be gay and had almost no impact on the actual plot. It pushed a gay agenda about as hard as the fucking Boondock Saints movie. It failed because it wasn’t promoted, to the point where people didn’t know it even existed, and my guess would be because its thesis is that

Brian Cox and Courtney Cox

I liked Everything, Everywhere, All At Once, and saw it multiple times, but I’m a little surprised it won this many awards. But I haven’t watched enough of the other movies to file a formal complaint. It’s good to see strange, non-IP, non-Awards Bait movies win, but even still, when I was watching it I never thought

oh and also viciously murdering a dude”

This is not the first time Family Guy has “joked” about never winning an Emmy and I don’t think it’s a bit. I think Seth MacFarlane is genuinely upset that he’s never won it.

Ha. Get rekt, Jonathan Majors

I’m not sure if you’ve met any know it alls, but they do not actually know it all. He plays (may not actually be acting) as a blow hard who insists he knows what’s best and routinely gets shown the error of his ways. When I watch TG or TGT, the impression I get is that this is a man who has gotten to play with

Who would’ve thought Phil Dunster’s Jamie Tartt would be a pivotal team player when Ted Lasso began?”

I like to imagine Jim going over to Scott’s house and asking him “Why can’t you be nermal” Without offering any smile. They just stare at each other. A tumbleweed bounces across one end of Scott’s living room to disappear into the other end. Finally Jim breaks and excuses himself. He gets into his Odie shaped van and

In season 1 my favorite character was Tom, because while everybody in this show is a bad person on some level, he was the only one who seemed like an actual freak show of depravity. But he’s getting the sympathetic push so now I’ll probably say Shiv. Why Shiv? Because she’s the worst person on earth. She’s a failchild