Hall & Oatmeal

Google can answer many of the questions you may have about what being trans entails. It's far better to seek out those answers yourself rather than impose and ask others to educate you, then react negatively when they might not be so receptive to answering every question you have about their identity.

Wow. Thank you. Your use of the dictionary has suddenly swayed me. I see now that even though before my decision to act inclusively and accpetingly of the ways in which others express themselves was a naive and misguided (but admittedly cute!) failing of mine. I thought I was contributing to a social salve against the

I agree with what you say in your comment about her music video but I think lil Debbie is a lil bit different then Miley. "Ratchet culture" at its core has a lot to do with being poor. When I was in High school Ratchet just meant that something looked busted. I know that the meaning has changed to encompass this like

Now playing

The only answer to this is truly blasphemous death metal. I guess. That's my answer for all things I don't understand.

Yeah I get your point of view. However I have dealt with copyright issues before, especially when I was in school and wrote a lot of research. However, like I said, we don't know about true single player offline games. The cloud computing means the games is not truly single player offline like what we used to get,

Im on the third month of my Cambrian Diet. I really enjoy my morning of floating in the water, my legs and arms dangling around me, waiting for the light to get right so that food will come out.

My "yellow death" recipe:

The context is entirely different, so if you don't feel uncomfortable being complimented on having pale white skin it just isn't nearly the same thing. It's like some woman called out to a guy in the street and said "Nice shorts!" and winked at him and he said HE didn't feel uncomfortable, so why should a woman feel

Lifelong Texan, but I've only been out in west and far north Texas a few times. Weirdest landscape in the world out there in the Davis Mountains. It's like this empty, rocky lunar landscape with a freeway being the only thing to break the monotony. Out of the blue you come around a curve and there are freaking huge

Obviously it was a legitimate race, and the electorate had a way of shutting that whole campaign down.

The 101? Are you a complete ignoramus? It's not even the most heavily traveled on the west coast. Have you heard of the I-5?

If an artist can't have his pet causes, then how dead is music?

I don't know what Wesleyan's problem is - this sounds like considerably more fun than the Tour de Franzen, in which one travels around campus reading pretentious books and loudly and snobbily deriding others' choices in fiction.

Oooh! Wait! Who here has gotten this one...