1000 times yes. He is infuriating to watch and bravo to CNN for leaving the camera on him so much to show his asinine behavior to the world. He’s a childish, bitter, megalomaniacal little c***.
1000 times yes. He is infuriating to watch and bravo to CNN for leaving the camera on him so much to show his asinine behavior to the world. He’s a childish, bitter, megalomaniacal little c***.
Sort of off topic, but the lead image is what made me think of it... For me, one of the worst parts of Trump, is the level of disdain and annoyance he shows to anyone saying anything he doesn’t like.
I’m pretty sure cream cheese frosting can only make things better... but...
I mean, I’d taste it. Probably have like a bite or two and then go “ummm.... what do we do with the rest of this?” I’d also eat a turducken.
3 types of pie and 3 types of cake = 6 desserts
Its a vicious cycle. Black person gets famous. Black person comes under scrutiny. Black person is held to a higher standard than everyone else around them. The numerous people who have employed Charlie Sheen get a pass. The numerous white people who have employed Terrence Howard get a pass. But Lee Daniels must be…
I like that she’s asking people to not glamorize addiction, but PLEASE don’t insinuate that his fans are even remotely to blame. An addict will be an addict regardless of his level of fame, finances, and functionality level.
Honestly, nothing’s too extreme if it makes 500 Days go away.
First off, being serious I hope Michael is ok and is found unharmed.
It FREAKED MY BROTHER OUT though. When my nephew was born, I was handling him like I handle any baby and he was holding his breath the hold time. I was like, dude, I do this all day, every day. Cool your tits.
Sandra Bullock adopting an older black child? I am blindsided by this development.
“Pay it forward to my children” is another way of saying “build generational wealth,” which doesn’t sound quite as warm and fuzzy. Frankly, it ISN’T fair or right that you were handed a safety net while others weren’t, but that’s not something to make you feel bad or guilty (or good) about—it’s something that should…
It’s the people who don’t acknowledge or understand how much they’ve been helped that I just don’t understand. Do these people not have ANY friends of different economic backgrounds than themselves? I’ve seen friends struggle with crushing student loans, driving cars that cost more to repair than they would to…
If you could afford to buy a house at 22, you’re not “middle class”.
You should pay it forward by working for social justice.
I was at the event tonight. No doubt inspiring. But if anyone thinks he can be elected, you’re either under 25 or just straight up delusional.
I couldn’t finish past the first sentence because I started vomiting slugs like Ron from Harry Potter that time his wand was malfunctioning.
Miss Piggy doesn’t deserve Kermit; she’s selfish and vain and he is open-minded and kind. People these days are too politically correct to admit it, but it’s true. #misspigyny
Pinkham, I am not going to lie, yours was a blog I had looked forward to commenting on each week, and during the typical Monday struggles of a mundane office job your posts brightened my mornings. It was your blog where a comment of mine reached over 200 stars for the first time, and I had looked forward to the day I…