My brother met Jade at a red carpet at Chris Rock’s brother’s birthday party when she was still relevant enough to be invited to such things. He was filming the event and had her say hello to me because he knows I hated her.
My brother met Jade at a red carpet at Chris Rock’s brother’s birthday party when she was still relevant enough to be invited to such things. He was filming the event and had her say hello to me because he knows I hated her.
I really missed the old school cycles of ANTM. Remember Jade? “This isn’t America’s Next Top Best Friend!” Memories...
Isn’t that “a little vulgar” to be talking about in public, Ms Winslet?
You would be a racist Asshole and if you don’t understand why you should educate yourself.
It’s fine though, because he’s done collabs with black rappers and has black friends something something herp derp.
OF COURSE the man in blackface is a country singer. OF COURSE.
The big trend in higher ed lately is hiring business folks to be president, not academics.
Ironically by saying,“I can give you an answer, and I’m sure it will be a wrong answer.” Tim Wolfe was 100% correct.
I think Taylor Swift would be a better comparison for that.
Alright, so since everyone is commenting about this even though I’ve already edited it (how?), I’m going to explain what I think happened here. I’m pretty sure the writer of this story originally listed soups/salads as one thing. Being that listing them as one thing in a numbered list of things is patently insane, I…
Dude only decided to call the cops because they stiffed him on the tip. He had no problem with them walking out after 7 margs each.
It really is. Powerful, thought provoking and beautifully written.
That’s a hell of a piece of writing, Stassa.
Nah, never underestimate Hollywood’s ability to misinterpret a clear message. Their message from this is don’t make movies for girls.
The preview reminded me of those straight to video Olsen twins movies.
I was so pissed when I saw the trailer because I knew it was going to be bad.