If Pence is found guilty of aiding and abetting...could he get the boot too?
If Pence is found guilty of aiding and abetting...could he get the boot too?
I always wondered why he kept saying rigged, other than to rile up his ill-informed base. Perhaps it was deflection. Either way, in reality it WAS rigged in the form of gerrymandering that started after the 2012 election. That is the only reason, well that and a bunch of fools who voted for unviable third-party…
Yeah, but like Nixon I think Drumpf may end up being so bad that his own party might have to vote to evict down the road.
I’ve seriously considered taking screen grabs of social media posts and tucking the away in a folder so when all these idiots who either voted third party, abstained out of protest or actually voted for this orange nightmare can be publicly shamed with their own receipts.
Exactly. Wasn’t he popped for cocaine trafficking or something similar?
Who said he was? This is an article about Wikileaks leaking emails that got Donna Brazile in trouble. It is widely known that the Russians might be feeding Wikileaks hacked information because they know Trump is an idiot they can control and its in their best interest that he win. Who the hell was talking about the…
No. No he wouldn’t have. Sorry boo. But he would be behind now. Bernie a great guy, but this is isn’t his bag.
You don’t think Wikileaks wouldn’t have gone after him too???? They and the Russians want Trump to win. They will do anything to make that happen. They would have gone after Bernie and the DNC if he were the nominee as well.
No. You are still fee to act holier than though because Wikileaks and the Russians are only focused on the Dems, there is no counterpoint. Can you imagine what sort of disgusting dark magic horcruxes live in the Donald and team’s email? Good lord, that’s what burns me up about all of this. So if your Republican…
Yup. If I invited someone to a party as a plus 1 and they showed out like this and threatening violence, calling them out for being a butthole isn’t patronizing. Its necessary. I daresay many women would have said similar had it been them she did this to.
I don’t know about that in all cases. Amanda Bynes got dragged pretty hard, even here. And how can we can forget the Britney shaved head meltdown. The press was not kind. Azalea Banks’ antics simply read more like asshole to a lot of people instead of mental illness. I do think you are right in that POC’s…
You nailed it. Also completely unethical as they obviously had a clear conflict of interest.
They earned those paychecks that day. Gotta give the credit, at least they committed to those horrific costumes.
That’s what bothered me the most. He was at work, and joined in a gross conversation about his co-worker. This wasn’t at the bar or the “locker room” it was at work. What’s to stop him from doing this same thing about his current female co-workers? How does anyone know if he hasn’t? If I were his female co-workers…
He didn’t per se, but after the Curry fiasco, he cracked a joke about Matt throwing people under the bus. I think most people agreed he was throwing shade Lauer’s way.
He’s also hosting Weekend Today. I hope they bring him back, he’s the best!
True dat. Can you imagine the absolute hell Venus or Serena would have caught if this were one of them? They would have gotten the Marion Jones treatment x 1000. My god, they would have been shamed...tarred and feathered, burned at the stake and then promptly sent off to prison.