
So basically Obama just came out against trigger warnings.

I like his show a lot. Whether you agree with his views or not (and he’s usually pretty much on the liberal side of things), he does his homework and has a grasp on most issues. He consistently defends Obama, says that climate change is by far the most important issue in our country, and he’s always willing to bring

I want to know the rate of white men interrupting men of color. I’m sure it’s a problem, but I haven’t seen it discussed.

I was 21 when it happened, so SHUT IT.

No, you’re lovely! :P

But you know that the breakfast would be off the chain. Worth it!

My dad didn’t cry but he stole me some silverware from Longhorns because we forgot to buy any for my apartment. That’s love.

My mom came up north with me for college move in. I was living in a non-coed brownstone (campus housing). When I got back after my first day she was sitting on the front stoop with milk and cookies. All the guys from the brownstone next door were loitering. She invited them over, and just like that I had my first

I’ve seen my father cry twice in my life- once at my grandfather’s funeral and when they dropped me off at college. He mumbled something and walked away and then later sent me a letter saying it was too hard for him to say goodbye.


I wish I could edit to add “I DO NOT AGREE WITH HIM BEING BANNED AND I AM AGAINST CENSORSHIP IN ALL FORMS” because it’s getting exhausting typing it over and over again.

“If you want to, for your own-self-empowerment, take personal responsibility because you feel like you need to for something you did, that is one thing,” she adds. “But you don’t get to make that statement for everybody else.”

I can put a lot more grand slams under your belt, Andy.

I’m a feminist who is constantly talking about the patriarchy and sexist ideas of acceptable femininity. . . but this would piss me right off.

I’m expecting it’ll be like Lady Gaga’s Fame. God. The concept was awesome, but it smelled like the kind of shit ninth-grade me would have doused herself in. No shock—Coty made both Fame and Exclamation *shudder* The nasal equivalents of screaming.

Uh, I’m pretty sure Miss Piggy is the absolute apotheosis of glamour and fabulousness, Bonjour, and you should probably ask The Divine Miss Pig for forgiveness for your outrageous slurs.

I vote real, if only because Miley's response was so bad and awkward. And Rebel Wilson was surprised AF, IMO. If Nicki was smiling, it was because she knew she stunted all over Miley.


Oooooooooooo. Miley.