@robot-shmobot: Show me one and I'll buy it.
@robot-shmobot: Show me one and I'll buy it.
Totally shared.
I think maybe the government is controlling his grammar listeners?
I wonder how fun it would be to send real time sniff logs to the shared folder on a signal leeches machine...
At first I thought it was a kind of massive ad-hoc network type of thing, but then I realized it was a massive wtf kind of thing.
That last man is my hero.
For 32 years you are probably better off killing the witnesses that will testify against you. If you get caught you're looking at about 20-30 years here in the USA.
@ACoBildo: You win!
@Geisrud: I can so not play that.
How is Panzer 88 not in this?
@ForTheLulz: As NumbersGuy said, between 57 and 78.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot... and 138% are interpreted incorrectly. 84% of all people know that! Come on now!
@J_Frank_Parnell: absolutely. Off the top if my head:
@Mr Quacker: Even without Mickey Mouse going public domain you can glimpse at what could have been...
@jbossart: Is it wrong that I hoard public domain movies and TV shows?.. because now I feel kind of naughty. Allllriiiight
@namelessbanana: See, thats one thing as a paraplegic I have a low tolerance for, and I know I shouldnt but I just do.
@MontrealGrilledSteak: pun unavoidable! ZING!
@blash: I actually have to use a wheelchair and while at 6 flags I was told I could skip the lines by going up the exit to lets say a roller coaster. Once I wheeled to the top the attendant gave me a ticket and I was told to come back after 45 minutes because thats how long the line was.
Quick! To the kitchen!