Styckilish to Sportsino

Hey, shut the fuck up.

Hey, shut the fuck up.

Holy shit. It’s almost like burning social issues, large public events with massive viewership, and day to day life are all connected somehow. I think you’re on to something here. We should really start a community of seamlessly intertwined blogs that cover these things.

Hey! Check it out! TomatoFace survived the Splintageddon.

Hey, shut the fuck up.

Don’t forget all the “fat free!” products that replaced the fat with mountains of sugar.

sTiCk To LiFeHaCkInG!

Like, remedies to get rid of herbs? Because we definitely need some of that around here.

Hey, shut the fuck up.

Man, a Square One mention and a Ghostwriter mention in the same day on the same article.  These truly are the golden times.

Man this was a huge deal for me when I was a kid. I would get so anxious during wind storms I would throw up. Funny enough it faded away around the same time as Twister came out, which you would think would exacerbate the situation.  I am now fascinated with extreme weather and think I missed my calling as a storm

Gritty does not approve.

Having to interact socially with strangers.

OMG I can’t believe someone else remembers Square One AND Mathnet. It was basically my favorite show for a couple years. I was kind of a nerdy kid...

Next time I’m on a flight I’m taking my shoes off and then throwing them at you.