Ace Attorney Gundam

Elsa - Frozen, this was in theaters last year

Each bar at that point is 1 million, there are 500 hundred (5 rows of 100)

Have to talk to Hasbro about that, but with all the money these movies have been pulling in I don't think it'd be a very long talk

Right? This guy doesn't have enough stress already

Jump Ultimate Stars was fun, even if I had no idea what anything said. This looks fun, but I'm sure with the cost of import I probably won't get it. I'm still waiting on Mobile Suit Gundam Vs Extreme to be a decent price. It's just now priced at what I'd expect for a new game here...

And when their powers combine it melts minds that aren't even watching!

Wow. That's a sad story. You've missed out on so much greatness.

I don't think this show is worried about breaking it's formula... It's already done that countless times.

And amazingly, I've bought a lot more Marvel books. Even if I don't read the digital version, it mitigates that annoying nag about the $3.99 price point.

Wait, I was supposed to get cash for my wedding? What am I doing with this espresso maker and tons of fine dining ware I'll never use?

So worth it I never finished playing it!

20GB right here! Though, my original run one was replaced because it wouldn't play GTAIV, it was fine otherwise.

Any longstanding fan of EA NCAA knows one fact, EA hates you and wishes you played Madden.

Am I the only one who hears the title music every time I see this?

I like to pick February 30th if I can.

  • If the Xbox One must use the Internet but can run online, then I will accept an offline gaming mode that lasts as little as 3 months. With an option that once Microsoft moves on from the console I can still use it to play offline games or movies. I can still use my PS2 as a DVD player.

Hence my twitter account for just these types of things. Now they just see each other's promotions.

Day to Date releases are the same price ($2.99-$3.99)

Apparently they've forgot the physics. It's like Greek Fire, lost to the ages.

If you haven't graduated, get an internship at a large corporation. You need to find out early if you are willing to work in that environment.