Polish Peasant

SO EXCITED! Fuck you, haters... and a special Fuck You to Cinemassacre for taking such a BRAVE stance for nerddom by not only refusing to see and review it, but encouraging us to do the same.

If you have to say someone isn't Hitler then perhaps it's time for a major rethink

It’s even the same expression in this article’s photo lol

Some other movies that were booed at Cannes: Pulp Fiction, Taxi Driver, Wild At Heart, Inglourious Basterds, L’Avventura, Antichrist, The Tree of Life, etc.

Oh jeez that is Naomi Watts.

*raises hand*

Is it just me, or does Woody Allen make the same movie over and over for the most part? So many of them blur together and most of them are annoyingly self-aggrandizing. I don’t quite understand the culture of adulation around this man.

My mother has worked in the film industry a long time. And, I sent her a link to the Kristen Stewart piece from Jez last night. And, this was her response:

Thank goodness you translated. I can usually follow along with the Cher-Language, but I thought she was having a stroke after reading this one.

Are you fucking kidding me with that bullshit? She is a horrible human. Punjab and curry. Wow. Just fucking wow.

Here she is, racist as fuck again (and no, I’m not talking about the Iggy Azalea shit, but her anti-semitism, and then there’s her homophobia too). Wonder how many of her defenders are going to show up this time. She’s the worst.


Metacritic’s usually a better gauge (as it gives a spectrum of reviewers).

the same and i am going to love it. She is a national treasure

I liked the trailer too!

I love the trailer. Have watched it numerous times. I'm thinking sexism. Sigourney was a hot draw in the first movie. Also, I have completely lost faith in Rotten Tomatoes. All I read are reviews celebrating John Wick (liked it) and movies like Joe and The Revenant: mostly written by young male reviewers who just

I dislike this thread. I actually think the trailer is super funny. Will go on youtube right now and vote for it