Polish Peasant

Raw apples. Cooked, fine. Baked, fine. Apple juice, great. Cider, superb. But raw? The texture makes my teeth itch. And yes, I’ve tried, many times, but I cannot handle it. I believe as an adult you get three foods you just full-on refuse to eat. Mine: raw apples, oreos (ugh), and eel.

John Oliver is great in this exchange, and Hoffman comes off as quite the tool, but did anyone else notice how many times the Deadline article mentions the ticket price for this event? Like, rich people DGAF about sexual harassment if they paid money for an event? Or, like Oliver shouldn’t bring up harassment in front

GUYS GUYS GUYS. This makes me SO happy. I generally am not this invested in celebrity couples but OMG I AM IN FOR THIS.

This is very good, A+. Thank you for this contribution.

Customers? Costumers would be a very different thing. ;)

Conway on Maddow was INFURIATING. She ducks, she weaves, she denies and then she blames Obama (all while demonstrating that she knows fuck all about our nuclear capabilities). Maddow was amazing, but even she couldn’t crack that loon

YES. Can we please have a Lovett appreciation thread? That man is the funniest and best, and I could listen to his rants for DAYS.

They were pretty defensive—though to be fair it sounded like Hari got piled on in the Twittertopia after they had Stein on. (And I read some of the liberal hate, oof, we are mean lefties) I generally like listening to the two of them because they bring nuanced views on race and politics to the table, and I really

Don’t leave. Stay and fight.

“I’m on Fire” is pure, lusty perfection

How dare a candidate for the highest office in the land really focus on winning!

Nope. Nicki Minaj wins. Stop the presses. In-fucking-credible.

Girl is straight up a vampire

...but they do cause fucking nightmares. Jesus CHRIST. Images of these things should come with complimentary bottles of bourbon.


Um, okay? It’s a solid show and if it’s not your thing that’s cool, but um, no offense but we’re catching on to this now? There are better conversations to be had about this show—specifically about women, surveillance, conspiracy, mental health—so, um, happy you're aware of the show? But like, can we have a more

Ugh. Also, I should quit my day job & buy a thesaurus, because apparently that’s all it takes to write for VF.

LADDER. You climb ladders not latters.

Great news, happy for her, etc, etc,

Le sigh. That hotness.