Cue the Taylor Swift.
Cue the Taylor Swift.
“We need to secure the southern border to prevent terrorist infiltration.”
Tell me more! The NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour keeps trying to sell that show to me, but the name is SO off-putting. I’m willing to be convinced though...
Tough though, when its a guy’s tshirt. At Forever 21.
I...uh...I’m torn.
1. Too perfect that the guy takes his name from freaking Charlemagne...
Don’t forget: bisexual women are only doing it for male attention...
Yes. THIS. Thank you. I posted before about how amazing I found the show as a younger, less-comfortable-with-myself woman and I gotta say, the complexity that is bisexuality needs more (and better!) representation.
HOO-RAY. As a young chit I remember trying to sort out my own sexuality and Xena and Gabrielle were such a great answer to so many of the questions that a fully grown bisexual lady needed answered when she was a young’un. I can only hope that the reboot does justice to the earlier vibe.
Pardon me while I take a vitamin duh. Duh.
Well, as one of my favorite dissertation committee members puts it, “Polish Peasant, given what you study and the conferences you go to, you pretty much got your PhD in the Patriarchy.” Some male academics talk a good game but a couple cheap G&Ts and they are just as bad as the mouth-breathing Fox News set.
No. No. Nooooooope.
I’m also reminded of that Louis CK schtick about cuddling. To paraphrase poorly: if you do it right, she should high five you and go to sleep. If she’s cuddling it’s because you haven’t given her orgasms.
...wait, I thought Jezebel loved Ed Sheeran? And Taylor Swift? I stop reading for 2 weeks and the tide has turned.
My favorite part? When she breaks down “adjudicate” by the *syllable* to explain to him how that word works. I feel like he needs this treatment with everything.
That cat is cute and all, but DAMN I AM IMPRESSED. My abs hurt from doing a five minute crunch thing from a phone app yesterday. Respect lady.
I need a drink.
So much yes. This wasn’t a hate crime against Christians (fuck off, Fox), this wasn’t an isolated incident of crazy. The little creep signaled his allegiance to a larger narrative of systematic racial oppression. He drank the readily available hate-cool-aid and gunned down 9 people (including one who had spoken up for…
Cards on the table—I thought this movie looked cringe-worthy in previews—I had NO IDEA that this shit was afoot. I love me some Emma Stone, but what in the ever-loving-fuck?!