Polish Peasant

It is very interesting that the Trumps think that the media using exact quotes and/or video of exact words they say is somehow the media being dishonest and biased.

The two have previously been seen together in the hideous fever dreams you experience after a long night of watching C-SPAN 3 and huffing wood glue from a NASCAR mug.

Just last weekend I read her very long profile of the Golden State Killer (aka EAR/ONS). The piece was as much about the crime as it was her own experiences investigating and what the true crime genre meant to her. She was a very engaging writer, and after reading I planned to spend a lot of time on her own website

If it just takes a sandwich to take down Ted Cruz, why didn’t someone do it sooner?

Because this sandwich has “New York Values,” if you get my drift.

You just made me start crying at my desk all over again.

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

My problem is that I love male bodies. I would not be interested in the female bodies, and I don’t want to be celibate (and just masturbating). I greatly, horrible, intensely desire male bodies.

Sandwiches would naturally go extinct to be replaced by the clearly superior panini and wrap.

I’ve gathered you’re quite popular around here, so I’m probably going to get my ass handed to me for even asking you this, BUT:

This mother fucker next to me at this bar is about to go extinct in 3 minutes.

You know what has been bugging me for a month?

I have so many friends who refuse to see spy (this movie specifically. They want to see The Boss and Ghost Busters.) for this reason. They think she’s playing the same character and they won’t listen to me when I say that Spy is ah-may-zing. Amazing. I will admit that it is similar (also I don’t care because it’s

It’s because Mr. Barnes doesn’t like a world where there are a LOT of fat (“unfuckable”) women that refuse to fuck him.

To be fair, Spy was definitely a diamond in the rough. A fucking hilarious diamond in the rough. I LOVE Melissa McCarthy, but her big-budget projects are usually not up to her talents.

Which is actually insane because she’s a glamorous, beautiful woman, and her size suits her. It’s not like she has to ride around on a motor scooter or has that unhealthy look that some actual obese have. I’m a straight woman but I’d say she’s totally fuckable and that’s not even factoring in how funny and smart she

Well hey, none of the women listed were what you could call pliable and passive casting couch commodities. It’s their own fault, really. Bitches, amirite?

And I will continue contributing to those box office numbers, because no matter how terrible the movie Melissa McCarthy almost always manages to make me laugh until I pee.

Someone called Marlene Dietrich box office poison!? I AM APPALLED. I will find their grand children and have a stern conversation with them.