Agreed. I feel like the Bernie supporters I am friends with spend a lot of time posting anti-Hillary stuff, and skimp on sharing stuff that talks up Sanders and his policies. It’s counterproductive.
Agreed. I feel like the Bernie supporters I am friends with spend a lot of time posting anti-Hillary stuff, and skimp on sharing stuff that talks up Sanders and his policies. It’s counterproductive.
I really, REALLY don’t understand the misogynistic shit that I’m seeing from Bernie supporters. I voted for Bernie in my state because his policies are most in line with mine, but you bet your ass I’d vote for Hillary if she wins the primaries.
This is the Bernie Bro phenomenon in a nutshell: a good-enough idea (pointing out the superdelegate system is fundamentally undemocratic) runs into an obnoxious social media tactic, helmed by someone who seems like a bit of a dick.
I think the best way to completely ruin Superdelegates is to have Zack Snyder direct their movie.
Right?!?! And this douchebag sounds like the broiest of berniebros
I’ll never cease to be amazed by how quickly people forget that superdelegates jumped ship from Clinton to Obama in 2008 once it became clear that he was winning.
There’s no conspiracy. If Bernie were actually winning (or if he manages some major upsets in the next few big primaries) more superdelegates would join his…
Sam Bee is a national goddamned treasure.
i didnt have a problem with laurels death; this is about the killing of a lead WOC + the problem tv has with killing off minority characters (POC/LGBT)
Or when the State of New Jersey wanted to make Born to Run the state song. Yes, it would be the coolest state song ever, but the song is about getting the f$&k out of New Jersey.
Bruce is the best human. Still gives it his all at every show and makes great music and he's in his 60s. I totally believe he genuinely cares about these causes/individuals. It's not a cynical publicity grab.
This is important because the writers made a black woman feel expendable in her own damn show! We get disrespected so bad and all people tell us is to wait our turn! We have so few black leads out there and they killed one of our darlings!
Charlotte actually passed the original ordinance for the LGBT rights that prompted the right wing in Raleigh to pass HB2. Charlotte is a blue city in a red state and it really fucking sucks. Also not a small city, we’re twice the size of Atlanta in square miles and have a larger population in the city limits. We’re…
You planning on peering into everyone’s panties as they enter the bathroom? A lot of transgendered individuals are in the process of transitioning, or are unable to afford the surgery. Do you really want to see Caitlyn standing next to you at the urinal decked out in a fabulous evening gown, checking out your…
your bathroom is a pit of lava
Bruce’s status as “that guy your dad loves” often obscures how on-point he’s been about social justice issues, and for how long. From donating to the striking British miners in the 1980s, to writing a song about Amadou Diallo, an unarmed black man shot by the NYPD, back in 2000, to the lyrics of “Born in the USA” (and…
They refuse to address real issues about Sanders. An interview where he failed to detail a major portion of his platform was written up as a subway joke.
Slight more right wing? That'd work if she is running against Romney but Cruz and Trump are goddamn monsters
That Crime Bill that Bernie voted for?
When the vast majority of Bernie's base hasn't even lived that many years, it'd be a little like constantly reminding them that they used to shit their pants on a regular basis.