Pssst, the New Yorker and the New York Times are two totally different publications.
Pssst, the New Yorker and the New York Times are two totally different publications.
Actually Othello the character could likely have been anywhere from MiddleEastern to Black as the Moores ( more accurately the people who came to be known as the Moores) where initially from the MiddleEast but conquered the North African territory that became their power base.
Why wouldn’t black men be able to play Hamlet? I get that Othello is pretty specifically black, but virtually every other character except maybe Shylock in the Shakespeare canon is ethnicity-free, and new interpretations playing with gender and race are WAY more interesting because of it.
If Hamilton wasn’t wildly successful, no one would care. Now that it’s the hottest Broadway show on the planet white people are all “Wait praise, prestige and high paychecks? That’s my job!”
that he fills with supplies for strangers in need! That’s good fashion.
I know some people are going to brush this away, but I cannot tell you how harmful these ads are, how pervasive and how damaging. Being Afro-Brazilian on one side & Indian on the other, I see this shit in both my cultures, and with a lot of my female friend and family circle and I still, at 45 years old, I still can’t…
The fact that one of them is dead-eyed Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson is FAR AND AWAY my favorite part of the rumor. Like, do you think Trump knows? Knew when he hired her? Is asking her about it RIGHT NOW? Will someone ask her about it when she does a hit on CNN? Did she wear the bullet necklace the whole time?…
I absolutely will not. How dare you.
I classify it in the same pop culture feminism file as SATC - a little outdated and problematic NOW, sure, but when I was like 20? It was perfect and entertaining and there will always be a place for it in my girl power heart.
As long as I get a good, solid Diana out of Gal Gadot, I’ll be happy.
Chris Evans at least gave a decent apology for the stupid shit he says. The three Chris’ are good in my book.
I think I get why his girlfriend is a teenager.
Yes, I found the name off putting too, and they know it too (in fact they refer to it in the opening theme when they call it a sexist term).
Crazy ex girlfriend is doing bisexuality right...
I love the bold move that not only musicians like ‘Empress of’ are making but also the moves by some of the head-strong feminist journalists who are covering the music industry from a woman’s perspective. Rather than just resting on the misguided assumption that there have been and are still a lot of female artist…