Polish Peasant

Yes, please! Disembark! And why not go full Anna Karenina if you feel so strongly?

As a fellow Menopausal American, I’m pretty sure estrogen is not a big factor in Hillary’s day-to-day decision making.

The nerve of these women! Men NEVER band together to get their candidates elected!

Tarantino brings out them white fanboys in spades lol. Thank god for the Dismiss button.

And please add the over-awed fan of David Foster Wallace and Thomas Pynchon, because I think they just spit out some shit ‘cause their heads are so far up their asses.

Add Kerouac to that list, and yep: seeing any of those authors on a guy’s favourites list is, like the stripes on a bumblebee, a gift of warning from mother nature.

So, if a guy’s favorite author is Bret Easton Ellis I know to back away.

Wow, just the multiple levels of entitlement at play here is amazing. Filmmaker being “oppressed” by a critic? Cry me a fucking river. The privilege of making and putting out your art goes hand in hand with criticism. Successful artists who whine about critics or the content of the criticism are the worst. Criticism

“Quentin Tarantino is interviewed by Bret Easton Ellis”

Sometimes, Youtube comments hit that sweet spot.

Oh that’s the “controversy”? That people weren’t paying sufficient attention to a baseball game? Right, because it all happens so fast, lol. I couldn’t figure out why this was a story, and I’m still kind of confused.

Well that was a cool response. The video was pretty silly, but people who were outraged about girls taking selfies at a baseball game need to get a real cause.

“Stiffing him by taking the 20 percent off is exactly what he deserved.”

I think now would be a really good time to remind him that a FlyGirl is now and will continue to be richer and more famous than he will ever hope to be.

That was exactly my thought! He called an interviewer a bitch AND THEY CONTINUED THE INTERVIEW?!?!? Wha?

Like what is that? Does he just casually call women bitches in his every day conversations with them as a regular thing, or is this interviewer just extra special? Wtf?

he needs to shut up.

Nah, they don’t really fuck with black people.

I can think of easier money hustles than accusing someone of rape.

The MRA movement has found their King. He is the Chosen One.