Delilah can’t wear anything that isn’t hand woven. Her skin is intolerant to all machine woven patterns.
Delilah can’t wear anything that isn’t hand woven. Her skin is intolerant to all machine woven patterns.
I am so over all the people in this “all natural” movement. Snake venom is natural. Spiders are natural. FIRE IS NATURAL.
“When Michelle and I came into office....”
Do these people think that’s a teaching moment? Like “oh, I’ll show you, server person, with this super unnecessary comment on the check”? Because all it teaches me, folks, is that the world would be better off if you were eaten by dragons.
“I don’t like the concept of monogamy, but I DO like letting my wife believe I do so she’ll be home with a hot dinner waiting for me at night, keeping the house clean and parenting my children so I have plenty of time and mental space to obsess about what else I deserve out of life.”
So what you’re saying is, he won’t be strike-slipping your San Andreas Fault?
I’m all for this guy trying to have a better sex life, but at the expense of betraying his wife? “And ultimately the role we play together as parents feels more important than my splitting us up so that I can seek out potential pussy options.” - Shouldn’t his wife have some say in this? If he thinks it’s ok to step…
This. You don’t “find yourself” being a piece of human garbage. It’s a conscious choice. He chose it. He’s not a victim of circumstance, and no external power kept him from doing the only moral thing: asking his wife for an open marriage and failing that, exiting his marriage.
“But when you’re trying to hook up with a married man, that guy already has enough on his plate without having to jump through the hoops of dating.”
I had an unexpected affair three years ago.
I do like that anyone who objects to infidelity was preemptively called a “hater,” though. Stay classy, Tracy.
Yeah this whole thing stinks. I get that people get bored with their marriages, need to spice things up, etc, but if you’re that far along, just split up. In the long run it’s better for everyone.
Well, I know it’s going to be easy to criticize this guy and everything he did but, in fairness, I think he did a great job directing Argo.
so that I can seek out potential pussy options
I didn’t like any of this. As someone who has been cheated on multiple times, this made me queasy. I didn't like his answers or candor about it. No I will not "find myself in this situation someday", if I am with someone and want to be with someone else, I'll end my current relationship first cuz I'm not a fuckhead.
People who use “politically correct” and “social justice” as pejoratives are garbage human beings.
i am so excited.