If I could marry a gif, it’d be the Obama one.
If I could marry a gif, it’d be the Obama one.
But it might give mah behbeh de Autizms!!!
This is particularly funny because, even by the standards of the “chemicals are scary” crowd, there’s nothing terribly “artificial” about zinc oxide. Zinc is a mineral, it's mined out of the ground, either as metallic zinc or as a component of various ores. You heat it up until it vaporizes, and it reacts with oxygen…
Unreal is a fantastic fast-paced series backed by truly gifted actors about the ruthlessless of producing a show like The Bachelor. It’s not meant to be a documentary or realistic, it’s obviously fictional. It does depict a lot of manipulation behind the scenes, which obviously also occurs on Bachelor but c’mon, I…
He is wrong- we are watching it. unReal appears to be far more realistic than Harrison is willing to admit. In fact, I think it’s probably so accurate he’s more concerned about being exposed for the methods the producers use to get “good TV”. Case in point on last night’s After the Final Rose- Shawn saying that so…
UnReal is great, I don't know what he's been watching. It's also he only reason I watched The Bachelorette for the first time ever, so he should maybe say thank you a little bit.
while i am far from believing that every rom-com is good (and i know because i’ve seen Because I Said So...twice), i do think that at least some of the reason we all think “rom-coms suck” is because they are traditionally considered “chick flicks”?
I don’t see how it could legally qualify as harassment, and is almost certainly Constitutionally protected. There’s not much to distinguish this from a Hustler magazine printing a story about Jerry Falwell having sex with his mother in an outhouse. If you mean it’s legal but we should still frown on it as a society,…
As a human with severe anxiety I can attest it is super horrible. So many people, so much screaming, so many loud noises. HORRIBLE.
Between sips of his Mimosa, Eisenberg’s eyes widened. He waved for his personal masseuse to stay her hand. It was then that he realized the many ways his penthouse suite at ComicCon was not unlike the attic of the Anne Frank House.
Helpful hint: When to use the word “genocide”? When describing an atrocity that has affected/decimated an entire population. Not when your damn self felt discomfort.
This isn’t being stalked at your house or at the delivery ward or even while buying groceries. Frankly, Jesse, the tabloids aren’t all that interested in your personal life. The thing you are complaining about is a public appearance that you knew would be part of your job when you signed your contract to be in Batman…
And yet still not actually comparable to genocide.
I missed this scandal. Is it somehow different from the fact that everything in Whole Foods is overpriced?
“Everyone else was having fun with us!!!111!”
People who sing in public are the worst. No one wants to hear your out of tune ass serenade people trapped with you on a train or in a restaurant or a store. Unless it’s “Happy Birthday To You” and you are bringing me a desert with a candle in it, shut the fuck up and restrict your tone deaf warbling to the confines…
Nice try, JONATHAN.