Polish Peasant

Ditto. I was thinking the same thing as I watched Stella watch the tape—shit was uncomfortable, and then to be called out? Spot. On.

I did too! Yes! Thank you.

Also her "mmhmm" "I got it" "yeah" reactions that sounded more like "shut it" and less like encouragement....just wow. What on earth has happened and how do we save her? Is this like a message? Should we send the feminist Millennium Falcon to save her?

Can someone with technology know-how make a mash-up of Jack from 30 Rock saying mean things to Lemon (with this inferior Lemon in the place of Our Lady of Awesome, Ms. Fey)? Pretty please?

I hereby put you in charge of TV. Well played.

Yeah, well he's pretty f*cking disgusting. People are the worst.

I liked it! The roundtable format works for me and I just love Wilmore. Hopefully we get way more.

You are a goddess

The dance. THE. DANCE. Thank you, Jimmy Fallon. You're a good person.

Science is important. And if I had known that this = science I would have pursued a STEM field.

I think I love you.

Oooo I follow that chic trend, too.

Does Olivia Pope count? Because there was a shocking amount of wide-legged pants on Scandal.

"Associate professor" = he has tenure. Apparently once you can tenure you don't know what to do with all your free time. Some people take up the interesting hobby called "being an asshole"

Yep. Still hot.

I see nothing wrong with wanting pure adorable at your nuptials. Good for her.

Uuuuuugh. L'uuuuuggh. So much eyerolling. I think I've hurt myself.

I love me some engineers.

Yes. Now I want to see him do it in the Clueless video. MAKE IT SO INTERNET.

1. Different circumstances for men, 2. Mary was not an aristocrat like Byron, 3. And the money she could live on would come from...?