You make me happy. Comment all the time, please.
You make me happy. Comment all the time, please.
Great question. I have no idea. Wish I did—because we see it in women and men, old and young...I just...ugh. No babies for me until this shit gets better.
Right? Jesus people suck.
I mean, who does that right? Gross. People are just...gross...
USE IT USE IT USE IT! And record it! :)
Not all of Rousseau is awesome, but this part is: "are express violations of the social contract"
She's doing the Goddess's work. I couldn't do it. Good for her.
You're correct—he should be in an institution getting help, not jail, but this lady needs to be protected too. This kinda stuff escalates quickly.
Yeah, its the dark side of teen rom-coms isn't it? Oh, isn't it sweet when the nice nerdy guy likes the girl. Maybe he should just STALK HER until she realizes they're meant to be? Fuck. That.
You poor thing! Christ, we really need a real life Olivia Benson sometimes.
I had a dude show up to my classroom (I'm a TA at the local university, working on my PhD)—happily I had canceled class that day because I got a nasty bit of food poisoning. I'd met this guy at a mutual friend's party, said TWO words to him and he kept facebooking/emailing me. I was polite but firm, and the showing up…
Horrifying. At what point is it okay to equate a stalker with the nerd from a John Hughes movie? Get a fucking grip people. This dude is seriously dangerous.
Topshop sucks. That is all.
I love this gif. Dorothy is the best.
Jinkies! That is saying a lot!
THANK you. If I want to sext I will. Nothing wrong in my book with consenting adult partners sharing a little dirty talk. Yeah, yeah, I know, the NSA AND OBAMA ARE TOTES LISTENING, but let them. Those suits at the NSA might learn something.
Right? I thought people in the midwest
I kept expecting it to escalate...quickly. What a mess.
sounds gross doesn't it?