Goddamnit, Bristol Palin, now I'm in a position where I have to side with Glee. Fuck you.
Goddamnit, Bristol Palin, now I'm in a position where I have to side with Glee. Fuck you.
Why haven't I hearted you before? And by hearted I don't mean vagined. I don't even know how I'd do that. Suffice to say, your comments are always great. Keep 'em coming!
As someone doing her dissertation on poetry, I gotta side with you. Rap lyrics kick the poetic butt of pop, country, &c &c &c everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
Now I won't feel bad eating Doritos. I have the blessing of this incredibly hilarious person.
No lie, I love this show. I mean, Jess can be cringe-worthy sometimes, but the humor is just...awesome. My 50+ yr/o mother, my 40 something boyfriend, and late twenties me all love the show and laugh at loud. These characters are well crafted, and though the storylines...um...are sometimes lame, this show is overall…
Very true. That article in particular gave me some rage. Or, rather, the uninformed comments did.
Haha. I really hope you're going to do it Catwoman style, like with nails that slice through the glass of her window so you can open it from the inside and slip in, because maybe in my mind that's the only way to steal things from January Jones.
Ginnifer Goodwin you look...just...oh how I wish I could wear orange like you!
Siiigh. Love. I feel the rage melting out of me.
I'm saying...the troll factor is strong with this one...
Oh this image is just what I needed after getting trolled downthread. Thank you.
My mom loved that show "Monk"—but I couldn't watch it because the police captain was Jame Gumb. I never trusted him. Shifty.
Oof, I know. I did the same...but I was 18 so no excuses. 8 years later I'm still terrified of those things, and though many have told me that they're safe and they really lengthen your lashes...I'm a fraidy cat.
I think the lamest thing about the aptly named commentor is his use of emoticons. Seriously.
I'm glad that bothered someone else. The whole thing is set up like a bird-watching book, but that little detail reveals a nasty killing edge to it all. You're not just looking, you're hunting...with the intent to harm/kill? Yeesh. That takes this whole mess from creepy to restraining-order.
Don't let it bother you. There's always a backlash against the younger generations. I'm sure you're bound to do awesome things. :)
Yeah, here's the thing, I teach at a state university. I see "millenials" of all shapes, sizes, and levels of entitlement every day. Let me just say, I've met some really great, hard-working, sincere young women and men, and some really spoiled, snotty, nasty young women and men. And everything in between. Ditto for…
I ask myself this question frequently. The woman does not define my sense of style, that's for damned sure. She can take her helmet hair and her crappy magazine and...well...do something with it, because I've neither the time nor inclination to listen to her idea of "style".
Erm, Kanye, haven't I seen you in some of those combos before? Are we feeling a little self-loathing today? Did we realize we were dating a Kardashian?