People I am glad I am not: Lilo's rep, Bobby Brown's lawyer.
People I am glad I am not: Lilo's rep, Bobby Brown's lawyer.
Neat. That is all.
1.Preach it Johnny Weir.
Well, I think poor Pete Campbell just wants a daddy, and Don was his number one candidate. So I'm not all that surprised that he was bummed at the end of the episode. It seemed like he was getting somewhere with DD, but then, like everything on this show, sadness and disappointment.
Preach it. Otherwise it is a cruel joke. Don't promise me whiskey and then deliver a shitty "celebrity" scent.
Agreed. Pass. Now, if Food & Wine had a youtube I would watch the shit out of it. I love me some dirty French cheese and New World Malbec talk... Oooh yeah.
Your list is spot on, but you forgot the needless inclusion of boots. I don't know why, but every Cosmo I open/spot while in line at Acme, includes some sort of obsessed article about how sexy ankle/half/knee-high/thigh-high/leather/pleather/fur/fake fur/uggs/pink/gogo/wellington/rubber boots are the HOTTEST thing…
I have hearted you, because OMG yes. My cat is giving me looks, but I do not care.
It speaks to the strengths of this show that I at once loved watching Pete get pummeled but at the same time felt so terrible for him in that elevator scene.
Yeah, I'm gonna have leave a big, ol' DUH here.
Yikers. Way to bury the lede, Jezebel. One would think that kind of nonsense would be what really worries us...
Blergh, no Mila. I thought you had better taste than this. Do not get on the dirty Kutcher-train. Ew.
That Beyonce open letter was pretty awesome. I think her daughter is lucky to have such a strong, passionate woman as a mom.
I am so a fan of corgis. Not the butts, per se, by their adorable little legs and totally disproportionate ears? Holy crap... When I see a corgi I full-on lose my shit and try to make out with it. For me, Corgis are like anti-depressants on legs.
Billy Bush is the worst. What the heck is going on in that family's DNA?
It was a weird argument, for sure. Especially since it sold itself as an unqualified argument at first: exercise doesn't work....if you eat more calories. Well, um, duh?
True story: I got all my friends hooked on GH at university. We would schedule our classes around it. And we even convinced the hunky Aussies in our dorm to watch it. They really got into the whole stupid mob storyline.
Oh I know. Who thought that shoes with less support was a good idea? People will buy anything I guess...
Oh no. I so disagree with you but you used a Community-ism. Before my universe was intact, but now it is imploding...
Yeah, good point. We should just sit there and take it. Maybe try to ignore it. Because pacifism is the best way to deal with grabby dudes...