Polish Peasant

Seriously [sob sob sob] What a lovely/bummer thought.

"The vegans of the internet"?

I never saw Titanic. And now I actively avoid it. Looks terrible.

Awesome. Just. Plain. Awesome.

You'll get looks...but not the ones you describe above....

Exactly! You can't really know how uncomfortable leering is until you're alone on the Skytrain late at night and some guy is giving you the intensive once-over. I don't care if he's good-looking, or "respectable" or whatever BS they're spinning downthread. It is down right scary to be sized up. Hell, I don't like it

Hearted for the stabby impulse.

Really Canada? I thought better of you.

Hearted, because OMG did I think the same thing too? Yes. [insert Troy and Abed secret handshake here]

Waste of good whore pills. We need those. For all our a-whoring.

"Bam"? Really dude? You're an elected official not a Gawker commenter.

Well, I'd take Canada's version of conservatives over ours. Also, you guys get Vancouver, the best city in the world.

Agreed! Why the hell is he popping up without comment here? I mean, here is where I heard about him being a right-wingnut. Shouldn't Jezebel, you know, black-list him from Dirt Bag? Or at least provide some commentary...

Blurgh. The last people I want running the country are a bunch of dudes who received several severe blows to the head over the last fifteen or so years of their lives...

In a way, though, I guess I can see why ESPN covers him, but this is frickin' Jezebel. He should not appear in even the gossip rag without some sort of snark reminding us that he isn't just an "awshucksma'amgoodguywhocoulddatetaylorswi..."—he's symptomatic of a larger problem, i.e., glamorizing & funding anti-choice.

Seriously, why all the Tebow love? He is pretty vehemently anti-choice, right? Shouldn't we, you know, ignore him and hope he goes far, far away?

Comment of the day for me. Anyone who equates hive-mind and Cathy is my personal hero.

Joel McHale, I love you. Never change.

Me too! I've been half tempted to send them in to Jez. I mean—some of those women just don't have legs!

I fucking hate tearjerkers. They're emotionally manipulative. If I wanted to cry I'd just read the "World News" section on bbc.com. That's something to tear up over. Ally MacGraw dying of cancer? Meh...