1. Kate Moss, did you just say something not-annoying? Huh.
1. Kate Moss, did you just say something not-annoying? Huh.
So. Fricking. Classy.
1. Kathy Bates and Chris O'Dowd really lost some points with me this Dirtbag. I mean, the only way I want to see Ms. Bates on Two & a Half Brain Cells is if she's reprising her role from Misery. Then, and only then, would I be tempted to watch that POS. Also, who the fuck is afraid of Michael Bay? I bet half the…
I'm in. But I'm a graduate student in America, the land where the educated are the underpaid, so do you think we can buy a private island with Acme cards and those 20% off coupons for Bed, Bath, & Beyond?
So scary. He really believes he never said those things. I mean, like really BELIEVES. What an unbelievable psycho. I could almost forgive it if it was some sort of "clean up" in response to the huge wave of backlash Republicans have received in response to their blatantly anti-woman policies recently,…
You are a very brave and tough lady. Thank goodness your state doesn't hate women.
What, is Rush running out of women to call sluts? Are Republicans just being friendly and providing him with a handy list?
Um, surely there are better female entertainers with primarily female audiences that we could stand up for? Like the ladies in Bridesmaids. Or Kathy Griffin. Or Margaret Cho. Or like anyone except for the Kardashians. They really do play off the "I'm-just-a-dumb-bimbo" stereotype, thus making themselves look pretty…
I would watch the shit out of that show. I've never seen an episode of Mad Men, but this story line is pretty damn compelling.
That would be a crime. Tortured Slavic composers are always the best.
Welp, time to take the UK off my list of "Countries to Flee to When Jeb Bush is elected in 2016." Does anyone know if New Zealand is still safe? I really love "Flight of the Concords."
That. Picture. Is. Priceless.
I'm 26. I haven't been in high school for 8 years. I STILL refuse to own polos and khakis because that was my uniform. I even see cute khakis sometimes and I involuntarily hiss at them as the emblem of my early oppression.
Fuuuuuuck yes. Simon Baker and his pale torso can entertain me any day of the week and twice on Thursday nights...
Huh. Now they're going after guys too...? I guess they're trying to be...equal opportunity?
For serious. I hate the tabloids. Leave Scarlett alone! If they want to see some booty fat, I could REALLY show them. And you know what? "Despite" my jiggles, I love wearing bikinis and going to the beach (when drenched in sunscreen). So they can go suck on a tree frog.
Excellent image. Hearted.
Huh. Well, the site certainly walks, talks, and acts as though it is engaging with and supporting feminist politics. Not my particular brand of feminism, I'll warrant, but it definitely hits all the notes. See: anti-slut-shaming (though this is only upheld piecemeal), pro-choice, pro-women's rights, pro-women's…
Perhaps. I'd think, though, if someone was happy all around, cheating out of opportunity would be about the dumbest thing they could do. There is something—physical, emotional, psychological—driving their urge to cheat, even out of opportunity. People who are happy in their relationships probably don't cheat just for…
I think he said something along the lines of how it was hard to vote democrat after spending time in prison...which doesn't make sense, because, um Dems would be more compassionate to ex-cons than Republicans as far as I know. But, yeah, pretty sure he's said he's a Republican in the past. It hurt me. I hope you're…