Polish Peasant

Yep. And then there's that whole illegitimate kid thing...

From one lit nerd to another, brava.

Oh, Cher. You are so the best. Not the best Mom, that's my little Madka. But just the best on Tweet Beat.

Ugh. James Franco. Again. Really Paris Review? I thought better of you.

Anne Hathaway is so freaking beautiful. Anyone with that smile can wear as much oragami paper as she likes.

How very Dante Gabriel Rossetti of you, Jez.

I really like Zoey Deschanel now. Mainly because I'm imagining my cat clubbing. (Or, really, practicing magic, since she was named Hermione BEFORE Harry Potter...)

Ugh. Mr. Peasant is divorced, with two beautiful kids. They live on the west coast and we're on the east. He flies out twice a month and pays a LOT of child support, and you know what? He has never mentioned a desire to harm his ex. She's the mother of his children. The marriage didn't work, but that doesn't mean

Canada, you are my plan B when Rick Perry or Mormon Ken gets elected. Cut the shit, friend. I'm too poor (and short!) to move to Scandanavia.

Yes! Save Community! I love that wacky pop-culture crazed show. Last night was especially awesome.

Yet another reason to strongly dislike that dude.

Between this story and Obama saying he'll veto the "KillWomen" bill, I may have to rethink my plan to move to Canada. Okay, America, you're maybe not that bad.

Mr. Peasant lives out in the county—like coyote country. In town my phone is okay-ish. There are weird patches on UVA campus that don't work for me. I have the old iphone however, because it was cheap and I am poor.

Holy cow you guys. I finally imdb'd that Courtney woman's husband—I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before—he was Eugene Tooms on the X-Files. The guy who ATE LIVERS and made a nest out of BILE and NEWSPAPERS.

How does one "heart" Obama on Jezebel?

1. Won't lie, I loathe technological hiccups (mostly because I don't understand why they happen), so I can't really judge the poor Blackberry users. Sucks when my iPhone won't work in parts of Charlottesville.

Yes. This. That entire comment was so, so very stupid. If you want to embrace the working class you could get you some Soviet work uniforms...Nothing proclaims your support for the proles quite like shapeless corduroy overalls. (Sadly I bet you could get them at a Marc Jacobs show these days...)

That picture looks like Charlotte's dog from SATC. Now I'm going to be thinking "They ate Elizabeth Taylor?!" all frickin' afternoon. Thanks, Jezebel.

I know. They're stupidly offensive to EVERYONE.

Yeah, I had the same reaction to that one. It is so...18th century, you know? "ooh, dirty Catholics!" Weird.