Polish Peasant

After perusing some images of their "high fashion" dresses, I have to say, thank GODDESS I am part of the ignorant mass of nobodies. In fact, I've never been happier to be poor, obscure, plain, and little (as my girl C. Bronte would say—a lady, by the way, in possession of the proper "who" and "whom" rules...)

"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints..."

I love my silver-haired fox, don't get me wrong, but that is the exact same face my cat makes when she eats a stink bug.

Hear hear! I'm bossy as all hell and I would like to be serviced at the end of the day thankyouverymuch.

Day-am. You win comment of the day in my book.

Agreed. I kinda feel a little ill just watching the trailer for the Fincher version. Don't know that I could stomach the full enchilada of quasi torture porn. The Swedish film, though brilliant, is really, really graphic and I went in cold (not having read the books). Some of those scenes are just too brutal for me

Sheesh. Do not take life cues from old Law and Order reruns. Just...yeesh...

1. Okay, did Hugh Jackman really break some guy's jaw? I keep reading conflicting reports. It makes my pacifist heart sad that my lovely singing Aussie would do something like that...

Nearly spit my coffee all over my laptop. Thank you so much for this comment.

Haha. I've never watched this show, but your comment makes it sound like Lost.

My mom thought it was hilarious. We look forward to eating many pints.

First let's make those C-3PO glasses illegal, Gaga, then we'll talk. (seriously bullying is bad—we get it, horrible things)

Slavic fail.

It was okay—I'm sad they're recasting Coach as I found him to be the funniest character. But I like the dynamic on the show and it was nice that the set up wasn't all Grey's Anatomy—here's to hoping she never sleeps with any of her roommates...


I know! I may have to run to Acme and buy all the canned pumpkin. Watch out adorable little old ladies, Polish Peasant has some pumpkin bread to whip up!

Hooah indeed!

If only more men were as enlightened as you! Trick may be a self-esteem thing though—after all, you are going for your MA (not a minor thing) which means you're probably pretty bright and in order to survive grad school you need a bit more than the average bear's allotment of confidence.

Hey I was on the Elizabeth Taylor diet and didn't know it—bacon and booze. So awesome.

Mind. Blown. Love Scrubs—now I must start watching Cougar Town (especially since True Blood is over for the year...)