Polish Peasant

Well you are a total pig, Mr. Brown, so I guess the step to "super ham" can't be that far.

Maybe that's what baby wants?

Given the recent seismic activity here on the Beast Coast, I am so terrified ofanything hoarders related that I can't even watch my way through a clip. All that stuff...falling...burying me...or Ms. Hermionikins (my cat)...shudder.

Agreed. Though the people I like to follow here are more moderate.

Yes! I am very fair skinned (pale as an abstinent vampire, one might say), so that concealer strategy always just made me look like I had some sort of odd leprosy of the face.

Ten points for actually reading the site. Sometimes I feel like people jump the shark on these things because they fail to, gee, I dunno, see for themselves?

Yesssss. I now have a way to ditch on weddings. Thanks Jezebel!

I feel like we get hosed on lots of the same-sex action—Tara and Whatsherface, Jesus and Lala, now this possibly awesome threesome with Eric and Bill. As others have said, if we can watch Bill fuck Lorena and twist her head around, why in the hell can't we see some non-hetero sex? Though, if I have to watch Lala and

Again, many thanks. My mom is a no-make-up woman and I am definitely overwhelmed by most places. Any advice is more than welcome.

Sigh. Thank goodness I was raised to be a heathen. A good ol' fashioned, sex lovin' heathen.

Seriously. Or he like, kicks puppies in his spare time. Too good to be true, methinks...

Yowza, did we really bury the story about a garment worker being crushed to death in the middle of this? I mean, I know this is a Rag Trade, but I think unsafe working conditions at AA is more important that who heads the astronomically overpriced potato sack manufacturing business at Dior, n'est-ce pas?

Also—"Some of my Jewish friends..." ... ... ... erm...

Sketchy sketchy sketchy. That is all.

Thank you! Any recs for stuff that doesn't slide off? Oily skin = bain of my face product existence...

I've said it before and I'll say it again what the world needs now is more Dolly Parton. Loved her from 9-5 onwards. Classy, frank, smart woman.

The VERY sad part here is that many studies link self-stimulation with improved, um, couples skating if you will? If you're in tune with your body you can help your partner make it better for you.

1. I get what Paula Deen is saying, and Bourdain can be insufferable sometimes, but seriously, sister needs to learn how to cook sans mayo & butter. Same with Guy & (my secret BFF) Rachael Ray. I'm a grad student, so believe me, I get cooking on a budget. But you can cook some really great, cheap food without layering

Yes. All of this. I'd put partner too, just because I don't love the connotations of husband/wife, groom/bride. (I'm a word person)

Listen, Nivea, as a lover of barbarians (see Thor, Conan, Tarzan, the cast of 13th Warrior, Mad Martigan, and other shaggy, delicious men), what I glean from this monstrosity of an ad is that your product, Delilah-like, robs men of their sexy by shearing them of some of their best features. That mask is way more