Hali Golightly

Absolutely this. Give THEM nothing. As a former Girl Scout, I’m upset and disappointed.

It’s really disgusting how quickly people like you will shit on everything this country was built on to fall in line with a fascist.

Tradition doesnt mean shit. Women not getting to vote was a tradition. So was slavery.

Since Jane who very much is an ignorant slut dismissed my comment, I’ll repost it here:

That “respect authority” bit is ready for another look, too. This “tradition for tradition’s sake alone” Stockholm syndrome shit has to go- especially in this “unpresidented” era.

It is inappropriate to continue to spread what is only a rumor about the child’s health and to do so maliciously. Is there proof? Are you just guessing based on internet rumors? Because unless you have an actual medical diagnosis, then there is precisely zero reason to bring Barron into the conversation.

Beautiful execution, stuck the landing. 10/10


Sign number eight bajillion and seventy-eleventh that I’m a blackhearted bitch: When I saw the green cups this morning, I was legitimately delighted when I realized how many people were going to be PIIIIISSED at the lack of red cups right now.

I met Joe Walsh in a Colonial cafe outside of Elgin Community College during my lunch break some years back. I thought I recognized him and asked, “are you Joe Walsh?”

So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:

>The roommate does not participate in family holidays, and I have never met her...It breaks my heart.

Oh so Twitter on Sunday is always just Game of Thrones spoilers? Now I don’t get to look forward to seeing what Twitter on Sunday is gonna be like. Thanks for spoiling Twitter for me, dick.

Rant: I never thought I would say this considering its Kim K, but I don’t think this was faked for “attention whoring”. Say what you will about her but my gut tells me this isn’t the kind of shit she’d lie about fur attention. Robberies DO happen, and when you consider someone of her wealth this is a reality that has

1. Fuck you

No. Artists create art for people to enjoy. Beyond that they don’t owe people shit.



I wash my legs, but I scrub the hell out of my feet. I’m a yoga teacher, and I’m barefoot in all sorts of athletic facilities. I’m also barefoot at home mostly. Feet get gross.

I agree that it sounds like this guy is probably Sheen’s age or a little younger, but please please please please don’t actually be Martin Sheen. I could not handle it if President Bartlet was a pedophile.