
yeah....I *really* hate the 'only do you work you love!' ethos. It just drips privilege and obliviousness - it so OBVIOUSLY doesn't apply to such a huge swath of the workforce, and thereby manages to completely dismiss any worker who's not highly educated, with in-demand skills and and at least some financial

Can you blame me? Shes's like the Pele of anal.

I had a coworker who chronically overshared her marital woes with me. And so I learned about "the incident."
Her husband had trouble in the erection department and for health reasons couldn't take the usual meds. So they went with a strap on, which she found to be too cold and so decided to microwave it - for FIVE

A friendly reminder that Title IX applies to all schools that receive federal funding (acknowledging that this graphic is college focused):

At the same time, if your work screwed you with inadequate protection and guidance while the foisted someone spewing Ebola on you, and you're asking the fucking CDC for guidance and they tell you you're all good, and now you have Ebola, maybe people should be cutting you a damn break and throwing the blame in some of

OK. She should not have flown, this was a failure on the part of the CDC in a humiliating and frightening fashion. Hindsight 20/20 and all that. But some of this is just blatantly contradicting the facts.

Leave Deep Purple out of this.

OMG OMG OMG the love of my life, Wee-Bey, is out of jail and ready to mingle!