
I'm pretty sure he hated Merlot because it was his ex's favorite or something. And wow, Sideways came out more than 10 years ago.

Watching Star Trek almost got me to join the Air Force. I talked to a recruiter, even. I ended up going to grad school instead. Not sure any pop culture played a role in that.

A few years back I was at a Best Buy. They had a Guitar Hero display, so I picked up the fake guitar and played a couple songs. While I was doing that, some old woman walked up to me and asked where printers or something were. I vaguely gestured to the other side of the store and thought, "man, how rude, can't she see

I recommend reading "Blood Will Tell: The Murder Trials of T. Cullen Davis" by Gary Cartwright. That book boils my blood like nothing ever has.

Eileen Herlie, who played Queen Gertrude in Hamlet, is actually 11 years younger than Laurence Olivier.

They should do an episode about how they never win any awards. Like, maybe the bar's failure to win any bar awards could represent the show itself.

I believe he's peeing in the garbage can. Which unfortunately causes that scene to make more sense.

I don't know who would have been up for the role of a white Nick Fury, but it's pretty hard to top Sam Jackson in the awesomeness department. Maybe Kurt Russell? He has eyepatch experience. Anyway, it's hardly inexplicable that they used the Ultimates version of Fury, as Ultimates was the model for a lot of the MCU.

I could pretend that "Pedestrian at Best" isn't my favorite song of the year, but I'd be lying. In the interest of bringing something new to the discussion, however, I offer:

Not to mention their despicable Anglophile foreign policy. America's one true ally is France, as any good Republican knows.

Begun, the Star Trek Wars have

I think Death Proof might have the best soundtrack of any QT film.

That's cool. Artists who try to appeal to everyone end up appealing to no one. Sometimes I even find Ms. Barnett's accent aggravating.

I also enjoyed these albums:

No Myrkur? I guess one-woman Danish black metal bands aren't as cool as they used to be.

Check out Courtney Barnett. The description here makes it sound like dreamy navel-gazing garbage, but it's actually quite fun.

Give Courtney Barnett a try. It's been my pick for album of the year since it came out. Although, I somehow missed a new Waxahatchee album, so that might change.

Wait until you get to that Andrew Jackson guy. He was like the Donald Trump of his era, except he could back up his bluster with actual murders.

Unless, that is, you spent those 34 years living under an oppressive totalitarian state in which Star Wars was labelled seditious material by the Ministry of Information and forbidden on pain of death, in which case you maybe should check it out. It might speak to you. Otherwise, yeah, you've likely missed your window.

Thanks. I'm not usually that big on jazz, but I do like Nina Simone.