
Back in March, I think it was, there was that International Day of the Woman. I decided to celebrate by only listening to music from my library by female artists (or at least bands with female lead vocalists). I succeeded, barely, but I also discovered what a sausage fest my music collection was. So I've been trying

It's called "Cookie Monster Voice." Observe:

Or, if you want to see Superman fight the entire Justice Society (spoiler alert here), read JSA: The Liberty Files. He kills, what, three or four of them? And he's only toying with them. My favorite Batman v. Superman fight.

And let's not forget both de Havilland and Errol Flynn for Captain Blood.

Although in a later book they have a kid. Through artificial insemination, IIRC.

This is a lazy list. The author seems to have picked a few of their favorite recent TV shows and movie franchises and selected the first actors they could think of who had more than one role. And, oh man, is that ever a lot of white people. It might have been improved with: Charlton Heston to take it old school;

Woody Allen and Scarlett Johansson? They've done at least three films.

Maybe they stopped using battle droids when they discovered that they could easily be defeated by a small child who happened upon a starfighter.

All of those things happened! Like I said, I'm not thrilled that I have reached this conclusion.

I contend that The Phantom Menace is the best of the prequels. My evidence: 1. No mopey Hayden Christiansen or awful romance story line. 2. Liam Neeson. 3. The podracing, which is actually cool and fun to watch. 4. The best light saber duel in maybe any Star Wars film. 5. The "fear leads to anger …" bit, which is

You mean during the Wolves attack? Carl mentioned protecting Judith, but I don't recall an on-screen appearance. I don't remember seeing her at all this season.

Okay, but when's the last time anyone saw Judith?

No, that was definitely where it got better. I just don't want the association. "Oh look, another Marvel TV show where some badass member of this little team turns out to be evil the whole time." I guess it's a risk worth taking, especially since Alex has, you know, real reasons that he can explain for his actions,

I think my favorite moment from Whedon's run came when that new character - the flower girl or whatever - was telling her sad backstory. She mentions that her husband/rapist makes her perform "wifely duties." All the older kids get sad and serious. Molly: "He makes you do CHORES?!" I laughed. Out loud, even,

I'd prefer a Runaways movie. Just take Volume 1 and there's your story. And if it works, you've got two sequels waiting in the wings. I wouldn't mind the TV show, though. One problem: if Volume 1 basically becomes season 1, would the revelation of a certain character's true allegiance remind some fans of Agents of

Analogy's self-titled album. Saw it in a record store and couldn't resist. I mean, it's got a nekkid, tattooed lady on the cover. Bonus: if you pull out the record, she's even more nekkid (but less tattooed). Bonus bonus: the music is gorgeous and pretty much unlike anything else I've ever heard.

Switching to local hosting fiascos, the Texas Rangers broadcast team had a pretty good dust-up a few years back. The long-time color commentary guy is Tom Grieve, a former player and GM of the team who hasn't demonstrated any particular talent in any of those jobs. Anyway, in 2010 after Nolan Ryan and co. bought the

VHS? What a philistine. I only watch movies on Capacitance Electronic Disc.

I heard an interview with their CEO once. Family Video is apparently a front for a real estate developer. They build little strip malls, put in a Family Video and a pizza franchise (also one of their fronts, and pairs well with video rentals), and then when other businesses move in the video store can go under or