
That's why Miles was one of my favorite characters on Lost. Didn't speak Korean (or anything other than English, apparently), didn't do Kung Fu or computers or math, and wasn't particularly evil. He was just an asshole from Encino. Who talked to dead people. Damn, Miles would be a great character for Heroes.

See, I just figured they had a trial period with the precogs. They predicted the murders, the police threw those gooey weirdos some skeptical glances and did nothing, then the murders actually happened. It probably wouldn't take too much of that to start preventing murders. And I find it hard to believe they

Which is itself a remake of Angel Number 9, "the first erotically explicit film ever made by a woman!"

Since Dale was the original tainted meat, and he was shacking up with Andrea, maybe Sasha will avenge Bob and become the badass comics version of Andrea.