It’s also a truck. Who really cares if it has an electronic parking brake.
It’s also a truck. Who really cares if it has an electronic parking brake.
Almost all brands let you order a car from the factory. It just has to be done via a dealer who you are negotiating the final price with who may or may not mark up your order. Not everyone is actually adding market adjustments to all their cars. It depends on brand, model, and dealer. Finding something below MSRP is…
Depends on the dealer. Expect to at least pay MSRP though less any incentives that happen to be available for model when time to take delivery.
Electric S class. “EQ” is their new electric nomenclature, like how they use “GL” for SUVs. So EQS for S class sized/position sedan, EQE for E class sized/position sedan etc. They have an EQC though which is an electric GLC crossover, so they will have to come up with something to differentiate their electric SUVs and…
Dr Nerdlove got accused of/admitted to sexual harassment/assault in 2017 or 2018. Not coincidently he stopped being featured here the same time that information came out last year.
It’s actually a very useful feature on an EV. They typically take longer to charge than it takes to fill up a gas tank, so the thinking is you watch something on the screen while you wait in case you are not hungry, don’t want to go shopping, etc.
Keep in mind the M240i for now is AWD only (and 230i RWD only). In future model years they will offer a slightly cheaper M240i that is RWD, and an AWD 230i.
Having seen it in person (they’ve already hit dealer lots) I think it looks much better than pictures convey. The 2 series (and 1 Series predecessor) was never what one would call a “beautiful” car, but I think it’s proportions work well in person and the triangles up front look less goofy.
Pretty sure he is referring to Game of Thrones.
The path to fame and super stardom is far more difficult without a major record label. Most record labels will not sign a new unknown artist without ownership rights over the music said artist releases under them. And once you sign it is very difficult to get out of contracts early (and if you do you still don’t own…
It’s all PR chosen after negotiations with People and publicists (celebrities are offered the title and can decline it). That’s how you end up with men like Blake Shelton who have gotten the title, and it was not a shocker that a black man (Michael B Jordan) won last year.
Not necessarily. Cost/consumer expectations is a major reason for many of these vehicles. A lot of these vehicles sold in markets like Mexico, India, Russia, etc are built to lower cost standards than what are seen in the vehicles that are sold in the US, Western Europe, etc. While they look good in pictures in person…
…it’s not. But the FAs clearly did not believe that the child was actually her child. Whether that is because of race or their behavior will be debated in these comments.
Mac Walter is not covering anything. He straight up admits it was not worth the team’s time and money rebuilding this small piece of non story related DLC that was never seen as particularly great to begin with. Which is fair enough considering they are a business.
McLaren’s issue with their road cars is they take the same car or two, give it multiple variants every other year with slightly different incomprehensible alphanumeric names and slightly different styling, and do it so often that no one knows what is what and what are the “special” models and what are the “pedestrian”…
The cynic in you is correct. GTA:Online is the money maker and why Rockstar have ported/continue to port GTAV to so many systems. As the online component would probably would be severely hampered on the Switch it is not worth their effort to port it over.
Those rules get eschewed a bit when filming movies when you have to pretend like you intend to shoot someone with a loaded gun for the sake the story. But that is why production have armorers whose job is to keep the guns secure and make sure they are actually safe and not loaded. That obviously did not happen with…
While I don’t know why specifically he would be pointing at the victim, guns get pointed at people with hands on triggers all the time in rehearsals. If the scene requires pointing a gun at someone that is what they do, do you think every time you see that in a movie it is CGI or something?
Uhh, you might want to do a little research and reassess your thesis that New Mexico is a “Republican” state.
Their behavior is immoral but technically the dealer has done nothing illegal that would be grounds for a suspension. The buyer did not have a signed (by both parties!) sales contract that included price. The buyer has no legitimate claim or ownership of the vehicle at MSRP.