
Yes. But the seller has to have the ability pull and link the information from the OEM. You think MB dealer systems are set up to talk to Volvo’s systems? And we haven’t even gotten to how there are multiple ways to looks at the same car (through dealer website, autotrader, etc).

Carfax software is universal, independent of brand or dealer. Dealer’s outward inventory software is not.

The Kardashian reality show machine never stopped. They just ended their involvement with Bravo and signed an agreement with Hulu that they are currently filming for.

This is a remaster, not a remake. A Switch can easily handle them with updated hi res texture. The Switch is still far more powerful than the PS2 that these games were originally designed for…

The capitalist critique isn’t the player’s motivation, it has how they are playing games under the illusion of equality when in reality they are not and the rich (VIPs) are still controlling everything. For example: how game 5 plays out when the VIPs discover one of the players has an advantage and they start to get

It’s the movie series with the light swords, Jedis, the force, etc. 

All the (upper trim) F150 tail lamps have these LEDs. In normal operation (and those without the scale option) they are the truck’s brake lights.

The Hyundai Sonata N Line is Hyundai’s response to the Volkswagen Jetta GLI…”

That would require effort, critical assessment, and logical thinking. Things that are typically missing from Justice Namaste’s writing. Much easier to write two lazy paragraphs (we all know she didn’t watch the guy’s previous work, she is assuming based purely on its name) and fill out article with long block quotes

Most major airports like PIT have their own police department. 

Probably not suckered into it, but rather the dealer installed it as soon as they got the car as part of normal prep. Kia dealers love their non negotiable dealer add ons.

Of course they did that. The fact they are selling them should tell you that the registered owners/next of kin could not be found. 

Yes, FIFA needs to be consulted if a name change still involves FIFA branding. It’s their brand, and brand owners typically have a say in how it is used in licensing to make sure the 3rd party company doesn’t name the game F*** FIFA Football! or whatever.

But automakers change MSRP (and destination fees) all the time. They are not constant throughout the model’s lifecycle. 

Rivian and Lucid are competition for the Model S and X, not the 3 and Y which are much cheaper cars. 

I don’t get this article. The summary (or whatever it is called) under the title says:

You say this as if Jezebel doesn’t always fall for obvious PR. 

In classics showy styling is often favored over conservative. Many people don’t like driving something too loud (in terms of styling) in contemporary vehicle, but most people driving a 50+ year old car want it to be seen and want it to be outrageous.

While the official reason was “unable to build a business case” I wager the actual reason is DaimlerChryser was already internally preparing to kill the Smart Roadster it was based on. While sales were decent it of course was notorious for its warranty work costing the company tons of money and making the car

“To guess at pricing for the 4xe powertrain, the Wrangler Sahara costs a whopping $11,485 to jump from the Pentastar to the PHEV before incentives.”