
6th->7th Gen Malibu (the one released in 2008).

If you have larger hands the PS1 controller can in fact be painful after a while. Your hands are locked into a crowded position. Never used one without the analog sticks but I can imagine they are worse because no good place to rest your thumbs  

Because it is cheaper and easier to use the apps for food delivery than set up a food delivery service on your own, and gets you more exposure. Especially if you are not a large well known chain.

You are ignoring one critical factor: the money you are paying the app (less delivery fee/charges/tips etc) is not necessarily the same amount of money the restaurant is getting. Those apps want, and take, a cut. Most restaurants get more money if you eat there. A lot things you mentioned are fixed costs, and always

Hence my statement about it being a “necessary evil” 

No, because in your case the secretary and director are working for the same company. This is a middleman- and the restaurant knows that most dissatisfaction with the delivery or driver will result in the customer being angry at the app, not the restaurant.

The latch is the actual issue (I simplified it by saying door handle). Water gets into the latch and freezes, so you either can’t open the door (because latch won’t disengage because frozen) or if you can open the door you can’t get it shut because latch won’t engage because frozen.

Most restaurants hate these app based delivery services because they make little to no money off the order. They are just viewed as a necessary evil. They have no incentive to let a driver for one use their bathrooms. It’s no different from stores restricting bathrooms for customers only.

Very bold of Ford executive to mention door handles stuck in cold weather when the last gen F150 repeatedly faced that exact issue. 

If you squint and go off memory the taillights kinda look like the 9th and especially 8th Gen Civic Coupe taillights.

My favorite part of this rambling mess (the article, not your response) is the insinuation that breezy “easy to watch” television is white media and black media should be about pain and suffering. After all this is suppose to be a article about the lack of diversity at the Emmys, but half of it seems to be complaining

Exterior bad, interior good. Although it wasn’t hard to top the last Tundra’s interior, especially before it was refreshed. 

That’s not a defense of murder, that is a recognition that there are laws and procedures that police are suppose to follow-designed actually to protect your rights (how well is up to you).

You know not every time a women is murdered it is because of misogyny.

The talking without a lawyer isn’t a bad sign. That’s smart.

Japanese cars did not have a poor reputation when Lexus was launched in 1989, quite the opposite in fact. Lexus (and Acura and Infiniti) never tried to hide the fact they were Japanese.

The Post has to point out the actual age of consent to make it clear she is not accusing someone of a legal crime, just a moral one.

Nothing says Boomer like thinking that a full page ad in a local South Carolinian newspaper will accomplish anything.  

Heck there are plenty of small cars available in the US.

Having lived in Europe, I can tell you the grass is not greener on the other side. Especially when you see the price of cars with similar power/ equipment levels as you would find in the US.