Half-track El Camino

You know how many Veloster Ns Hyundai says are available within 250 miles of my zipcode?

My apologies. When read on a phone, this looks very similar to how slideshows render. I guess this is a marginally better way of summarily reappropriating your users’ comments for the benefit of GMG corporate.

Ugh, I can’t believe I was tricked into opening this “story.” Text-based slideshows are fucking dreadful. Please stop exploiting your readers like this. It fucking sucks and it makes Jalopnik look like trash.

Would I buy it? No, because I think silver is a drab color and that early-2000s Mercedes face looks dopey. For someone with different tastes though, I think it’s a great price assuming no big surprises.

Put them wherever, as long as I don’t have to hunt for them and as long as they’re not in the way. I’ve only ever had them on the side of the seat, and that’s always worked perfectly fine. Door could be fine too I’m sure, but why mess with what works?

You’re right! I should have looked more closely before commenting; now tgat I look again, that is clearly not a parabolic. My bad!

Quite right, on second look that is clearly not a parabolic antenna. My mistake for not paying closer attention, thank you for the correction.

A parabolic antenna like that only works if carefully aimed, anyway. Putting one on a car is stupid. There’s no way it would actually function.

I agree with you here. There’s way more important things that can be laid at Trump’s feet than, “He once said nice things about a company that turned out to be kind of a sham.” Solyndra was a pretty weak-sauce scandal for Obama, and Lordstown is a pretty weak-sauce scandal for Trump. It’s interesting to watch what

So just fucking turn them off and make this a zombie site like Splinter then. This death-by-1000-cuts shit is disgusting.

I ran across that very same page the other day while traveling down a Wikipedia rabbit hole caused by smoking a bowl and reading Kurt Vonnegut. I don’t remember the exact chain of pages that got me there, although I’m sure they were all very interesting.

Oh yeah, I gave up on being able to actually find the thing I was being notified about long ago. And I have even accepted that whenever I click the notification icon, I will not be taken to the notification menu but will instead be taken to a new tab which will be www.kinja.com, and only from there will I be able to

Hey Kinja, it just became literally impossible for me to check my notifications. It just brings me straight back to the Kinja.com homepage. What the fuck?

Actually, a trigger and a knob are two different types of input device. Technically, one “turns” a knob. One does not trigger it.

To be fair, most things are cleaner than just blowing up entire mountains and turning their attendant ecosystems (not to mention the towns where people used to live) into piles of small gray rocks.

Personally I came out of the pandemic with an NA Miata. Bought it while I was on furlough. First time I’ve ever owned a car that I actually loved. Zero regrets.

I mean, they did get stuck a lot more, and fall off the side of the road a lot more, and get snowed into their houses a lot more. Just because enough people survived to create another generation doesn’t mean that what they were doing back then was ideal and cannot be improved upon.

Yup, I’ve driven them too and I fully agree. They drive OK and they hold lots of stuff, what more do you want?

It’s a cargo van. The design brief should always just be, “Make it as close to a rectangular prism as possible.” Styling is unimportant, utility is all that matters.

And more plastic, don’t forget. That makes it rugged.