
@Jezuz: shush. You didn't do anything wrong.

@UERD: no problem.

@UERD: Hey sheeple I'm just going to point the only reason you're replying is because you saw other people hatin and you thought it'd be fun to jump on the band wagon.

@Johnny-Boy: actually I was replying to your other comment.

@sirfa: woah...same here...in fact thats what I was thinking when I wrote it.

@Mad-Hobo: Violence scarring isn't, of life parts it.

@Jezuz: Well, tbh your comments were part of it. Personally, I loled, but nothing ruins funny comedy when the comedian flips out at someone who doesn't lol. But yea, everyone overreacting and joining the hate train just because they saw someone else hating was pretty retarded.

This is so stupid. The ONLY reason anyone in their right mind would EVER purchase a strategy guide would be either they enjoy the material, vintage, value of having a strategy guide filled with shiny pictures to read on a toilet, and to reminiscence about five years later, or that they haven't heard of the internet

@Edix: Way to stick it to the man!

@Jezuz: At first I was like :D

@tetracycloide: .....games have been doing this in germany and australia since like 2002. Ever play TF2?

Fanboys are people who think companies can be their friends.

itt: People who don't play WoW complaining about something that doesn't impact them.

Supply, meet demand, demand, meet supply.

"No, I'd have giant cave spiders or sand worms or goblins instead. So: the Pokemon mining game mixed with survival horror. Occasionally, you'd have to craft weapons out of the gems and protect your farms from the invaders with cunning traps and desperate barricades. Multiplayer play could be a Garden Siege Mode, or

Dammit I'm roling a mesmer. I've always wanted to play a magic shooting sherlock holmes.

@MrGOH: Becuz they're fucking baller like that

@super_furry: Bionic commando wasn't an indie effort by a development team of ~20 people.