
@Macoy: In terms of popularity, its pretty much exactly like college football or basketball in US, or maybe soccer in general.

You guys can keep it.

@Save me: No, it doesn't, because collectible items are priced according to different standards.

@Grive: Did you miss the crux of my entire argument?

@Save me: It...doesn't...work...that...way.

I find it funny how just a few articles ago kotaku tried to argue gaming was art.

oh game design. Jeremy Bentham would be proud.

@Grive: Quite simple, because Bioware, a critically acclaimed producer of RPG produced two recent games that were considered in every gaming media and retail outlet as a RPG, but was very questionably a RPG. Now, despite this, as desertwolf elaborates, they critisize another company for producing RPG which are

ogod the irony.

You know, this guy has a point. Development virtually stops for many development studios prior to the games release, and this plan to curb used game sales means that extra couple weeks of bonus content ends up in your hands as "free" instead of as DLC.

You know, they could just apply the same message to drinking. It would be equally as valid, except they wouldn't get to look all hipster while they disparage on their medium of choice.

@Grandleon: Just because your views vaguely resemble Glenn Becks views doesn't mean you have to agree with the blatant sensationalism and BS he spews.