

"Hi idiot!

"High" Art (aka Museum art) causing controversy and uproar in 2011?

Having played all three games, I think a fair assessment is that its a mix of D3 PvP and GW.

How would a population scheduled to die within the decade or two cause more far sighted policies?

@Jackski: Because PC games are currently bottlenecked by Consoles, you only need to upgrade your PC every time a new console generation is released.

omg facebook hegemony

@TnOdyssey001: I'm not sure you realize that a person is going to a fucking federal prison for three years, on the worries consisting of facillitating "Illegally downloading and playing games, cheating online, and other junk".

Story was extremely predictable, but its most impressive feat was that it remained utterly awesome and heartfelt despite that.

@Sean Grimm: They don't bat an eyelash because you don't bat an Eyelash.

This would be like a panel of judges using Clockwerk Orange to indicate that the level of violence in Literature in the 60s is excessive and must be regulated by the government.

@duffman0615: Actually they get payed shit, and when they threatened to quit the producers just said "ok, we can pick up trash like you begging to be on this show from any where on the street".

@Arken: Its not about justification, its about misplaced values.