
Mass Effect MMO.

@TOCATL: What would they possibly have to gain by lieing to shareholders that they are operating at a loss when they are actually not. If they wanted to lie about profit margins, they'd be doing the opposite

The "sex scenes" in ME2 had no nudity, or explicitly sexual movements. Essentially, their on par with the sex scenes in PG-13 movies, which show characters rolling around in bed beneath covers, with a shoulder there and a thigh here.

@konaa: He means as opposed to listening it with headphones.

@Behrditz: well, the main criticism of Dark Void was the walking, and most reviewers said positive things about the flying.

Personally, I'm glad bethesda isn't doing fallout vegas, I liked fallout 3, but it felt dead and uninspired compared with the past fallout games. I spent the majority of the game wandering by myself in the middle of a desert/wasteland shooting mutated bears and running out of ammo. It was rather depressing.

The thing that excited me about this was the lights in vegas. I loved Fallout 3, but wandering around the city (or anywhere else) by yourself, at night, without any soul in miles was so morbidly depressing I just couldn't handle it after a while. I end up rushing the main plot and beating it, with still half the

How hard can it be? Just make Dark Void without the walking.

@Maritan: Its been in development since before fallout 3 was released.

@Ursus-Veritas: So its a bit irrelevent. AU says that any mature game that gets banned really wasn't that mature, and worth unbanning (I disagree) you cite a game that wasn't banned in australia, and is (relatively) mature.

The art style makes me cringe :(.

Man, I don't even want to think about the QQ that must be going on in the WoW forums right now.

Is their something inertly wrong of opposing victimless censorship for opposing victimless censorships sake?

@Ursus-Veritas: Mass Effect wasn't banned in Australia though :/

@crabperson: Well, if you already have it on the PC, I see no reason to get it on the consoles.