
I like number 9 the best :x. Its sexy without being gaudy/ridiculous, and sets mood right.

@ #2

Honestly, the Mass Effect universe kind of seemed liked it was a licensed hollywood movie universe anyway.

@WhiteMÃ¥ge is in fact a boy, damnit: lol. Every other physical industry divides the cost of its endeavors mostly 90% into manufacturing costs, and 10% into Research and development. In the game industry, 90% goes into development, and 10% goes into manufacturing.

This entire article confuses me...Apparently, the opened the X-box in a conventional method that did not involve smashing. After already opening aforementioned X-box, it should have been obvious that it was in fact, not a bomb. Instead, the proceed to tear off pieces off the X-box, then reseal the x-box.

I find it hard to take game trailers seriously anymore, especially after they gave MW2 GOTY with one of the justifications being "It supports PC specific keyboard mouse controls".

Retards. WoW is clearly helping the porn industry

Meh. As a PC gamer, I really don't care. These are the kind of guys I trust to give us a decent port. Nothing wrong with them trying to return a profit.

@icarus212001: New Games almost never return significant portions of the investment used to create them. The investment relies on the further development of the newly established IP to return significant sums of profit.

Man I forgot how totally awesome blizzard trailers were. I wish you hadn't reminded me. :(

I doubt valves gonna put in all the extra effort to make it on the X-box,

double post

@SlinkyGuy - Loves Borderlands to death!: God why are you so angry all the time. Count how many X-box exclusives you have, and count how many PC exclusives exist. Basically WoW and some indie games, as of the recent years.

@reverend_green: Exactly. When they get coherent gameplay along with coherent story, I'll be right on board with the whole GOTY thing.

I'm not all that hyped up for the sheer gore, but one thing I can't wait for is the sheer intensity the over the top (or incredibly realistic, depending on your viewpoint :P) is going to add to the games multiplayer.

"I think Uncharted 2 was the best game of 2009. By a country mile. Why? Because Uncharted 2 was also 2009's best action movie"