
“Football’s an oblong’s fear”

Tough but FAY-uh!

Brady explained later, “It just didn’t occur to me a person could be deflated on account of a beloved trainer.

He calls that cache “The dark Webb.”

Aldentico Madrid vs Sharkelona (Suarez).

Michigan is only balancing out their gross underestimation toward Harbaugh’s “Who’s got it better than us?”


Maybe if they valued the players’ knees as much as NBA stars’ knees, they would pay more attention to who does the job.
Either way, that looked like a wet spot that wasn’t wiped up correctly or at all.

I’m confused by the catty end of this post, mocking the comedy routine. Would we feel better about Ansari’s harassment if it had been a hilarious set? As if it’s not enough that he’s a sexual harasser, he needs to be a hack as well. That way everyone can tell each other they ALWAYS knew “Master of None” was trash.

Nice job wiping the court, kid who may have ended her career.

Lucas Moura cooking Chris Smalling is also a metaphor for Lucas Moura getting past Chris Smalling’s tackle with the ball and scoring a goal.

I mean, unexpected exposure out of nowhere, regardless of how it makes others feel, is kind of his thing.

When someone without a soul attempts an Aretha tribute.... 

Video of one match shows Greenwald, in the front row, applauding every point with dad-outing gusto.

Headspin: Let’s Not Remember Some Things

The community calmed down when it was revealed the girl had recently turned 18, and that Coach Shots was only suspended for three games.

Belichick is letting him on the plane but reports today were that he will not be allowed on the sidelines. Don’t know if Brady saw that quack back block coming.

At least Serena wasn’t picking a tight outfit out of her rectum 500 times a set.

Three Game Suspension

Pretty sure it was not in El País, must have been La Cebolla.