
Okay, HoG citrus is pretty danged easy: Honeysuckle Lemon Curd! Satyr is nice if you want to smell like an evil creamsicle. It has a little something dark at the base. Vetiver, maybe? I’ve never quite put my finger on it. And Zazz (a summer limited edition that they have pretty much every summer. LE samples are three

Ugh, the hair stuff. Play sent me a sea salt spray for waves. I have a pixie. It’s not long enough to develop a wave. I’m going to see if my sister-in-law wants it because it might be something that she can use to define her curls.

What do you consider pricey? I wear indie perfume oil from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab almost exclusively, and you can get a bottle of that stuff for around thirty bucks including shipping, and it will last you for years. 5ml doesn’t seem like much, but when it’s oil, you don’t need as much. And they have samples of a

I bought two Maybelline City palettes today! I can’t recall the last time I bought non-indie eyeshadow, but the Downtown Sunrise and Rooftop Bronzes palettes in particular have been screaming my name for a couple of weeks. I’m on a peach-and-brown kick right now.

The key Joni Mitchell songs are probably Big Yellow Taxi, Chelsea Morning, Help Me, and Raised on Robbery. There are other big songs, but when I think road trip, I think uptempo singalong, and her version of Woodstock (for example) does *not* fit that bill. CSNY’s Woodstock would, though.

I’ll be reading Sweetheart by Chelsea Cain this week. I’m on vacation and have been saving it for this very purpose!

Right as I was loading this page, the radio decided I needed to hear Sexual Healing. This cannot possibly be a coincidence.

Gah, onion rings, BBQ sauce, cheddar cheese, and pickles on a turkey burger. I think I just figured out what lunch is going to be today. (I got this so often at a burger food cart a few years ago that they finally just added it to the official menu so I didn’t have to DIY my own burger.)

Same. This is how I discovered Pipe World is not in fact a drug paraphernalia supplier. They make sex toys. There are a *lot* of companies I deal with for work (a bank) that our web filters block due to inappropriate content, and sometimes I make a point of looking things up up solely because the company name

Gah. LIVE ACTION BAMBI. I need a live cam of that running all day, every day.

Every time I see Emmy Rossum’s name, I remember that she’s the one who suggested Rami Malek for Mr. Robot — and that the word “robot” entered the English language in the ‘20s via a Czech play called Rossum’s Universal Robots. Coincidence? OR SYNCHRONICITY?

If it’s intentional, it’s actually a technique that’s part of neurolinguistic programming. I’m just not sure he even realizes he’s doing it all of the time.

I’ve been on a true crime kick lately, and I listened to one podcast that talked about how to tell if someone is a liar. One of the most fascinating details I picked up: One of the surest signs of a liar is a limited vocabulary. When people lie, they repeat phrases and words while lying regardless of their actual

I love putting the flat pack stuff together (it’s a family thing), but actually going through the store is a different matter. I went in one day for a few specific items they turned to have run out of, and I had walked through the entire store on my search for those things. It was right around lunch on a Saturday, so

I’ll just leave this here.

Blagojevich hit 7% at the end of 2008 just after he was arrested. He was removed from office at the end of January 2009.

It’s not that bad. I think there’s a lot of automatic hate for found footage movies, but I thought it was one of the better examples. If you don’t have to pay for it, I would say go for it. I watched it on HBO or Showtime (can’t remember which one), so I didn’t pay for it, and it kept my attention, which is more than

Have you seen the movie As Above, So Below? It was actually filmed in the catacombs (in fact, it was the first movie to get permission to do so), and I get the impression that there was very little set dressing for the movie. It’s one of the creepiest movies I’ve ever seen, and I watch a *lot* of horror. It’s not just

The NK-official story is that he got botulism, took a sleeping pill, and went into a coma in March. Of 2016. There is absolutely no fucking way that’s what happened. I absolutely agree with the commenters who are saying that he was beaten and starved into that coma, that chances are virtually zero that he is even

My dad’s a smoker with bad teeth due to ‘60s orthodontia, and, as an added bonus, he grinds his teeth in his sleep. He had one of his near-the-front teeth (incisor? Bicuspid? The one right next to your front teeth) just pop out while he was sleeping one night. He looks really classy without his bridge. And my brother