
Same. I’ve never understood his appeal. I posted yesterday about a friend who keeps trying to get me to see his movies. HELL NO. On top of his batshit Scientology activity (and I don’t think she quite understands how strongly I feel about that), his movies are shitty and highly overrated. He only does HAI I AM A MOVIE

Depositions from the civil suit in 2005 and 2006.

Oh, Ewan, same. If I ever find a time machine, we can go back to 1996 Seattle when I was in my first all-by-myself apartment a few blocks from the Space Needle (stunning location, so I loved it, but a shithole of an apartment, so my friends were relieved when I moved), and you can pick where and when we go in

Childhood cartoons, too. Back when “Blurred Lines” was really big and people were pointing out how really fucking creepy it is but before we really knew about all of Cosby’s crimes, someone did a “Blurred Lines”/Fat Albert theme song mashup to make something a bit less rapey. WHOOPS. NOT SO MUCH ANYMORE.

“I’ve been using all that spare time to work my way through Steven Universe and Gravity Falls and a bunch of other cool shit I had put off watching.”

My blockbuster-movie-going buddy keeps trying to convince me to go to this even though she knows damned good and well I will absolutely not watch any Tom Cruise movie in a theatre. Ever. She seems to think that she will somehow have the magic argument to overcome my decades-long boycott of his movies. Even if it’s on

My vote would go to It Comes at Night. Joel Edgerton in a movie with trailers that give me an It Follows in the Woods sort of vibe, aka exactly my kind of movie.

With a touch of condescension.

Now playing

You know you’re a Pacific Northwesterner when you see “chinook” and think “salmon.” As in a fish flying through the air. And then you go “right, because that’s how bears get dinner when the salmon are spawning.” And then you go look up video proof, and then you wonder if your dad has caught any salmon yet that you can

Oregon allows them under certain exemptions, and one of those exemptions is religion. Exemptions might not be quite the right word, but I’m on some heavy allergy meds today, and this is the language I’m stuck with at the moment.

Neonatal unit at Oregon Heath Sciences University. She’s in good hands there.

I’ve heard that sometimes a little decomposition is needed for the skin to be easily removed from the body. Sometimes at-home storage space is at a premium, so you have to let that happen off-site.

Yeah, I’m super nearsighted, and my eyes are getting older and getting closer to needing bifocals, so 3D is just a nightmare headache waiting to happen because I’ll spend the whole action scene trying to get my eyes to adjust properly. I already have to sit in the back row of movies if I don’t want to get hit with

From what I understand, depth perception is kind of like visual triangulation. Each eye is taking in slightly different information and combining it to let you know where something is, so if one eye is wonky for whatever reason, byebye depth perception. For nearsighted people, it’s even worse at night for some reason.

I think you need two eyes and good depth perception because that’s what 3D is all about. I have a neighbor with only one eye, and he can’t go to them, either. My depth perception is all messed up due to nearsightedness, so I can’t do 3D anymore even with two relatively “good” eyes.  

To prevent people from being able to dig up my body after burial and make furniture and clothing out of it.

Also, Ed Gein didn’t kill *all* of those people himself.

Aww, Kit Harrington is my people! I was almost thrown out of a Revolting Cocks bar show a few years ago for falling asleep. And a friend’s band’s show (also at a bar) probably fifteen years earlier. In both cases, I *almost* fell asleep. Neither time had anything to do with alcohol, and I didn’t actually fully conk

Yeah, I was just thinking about the brothers themselves. Parents are a whole separate nightmare.

Yeah, but there’s more to it than just an introduction. I just posted an overview of the main points.