
Make sure to drink one for Rauner wiping his ass with five million dollars tonight. Dunkin’s loss and McCann’s win, the two most expensive leg races in state history thanks to his cash, show that that asshole can’t buy the state of Illinois.

Wrath of Khan for Hackers is a good trade.

Wrong. After raising taxes, Illinois started making pension payments for the first time in years, paid down billions in backlog bills, and cut the budget nearly 10 percent each successive year, until the Republican, Bruce Rauner, was elected. He then began quickly destroying the state, but that's a different story.

The wall works, they just did it wrong. First, don’t use a shoe, just bang the bottom of the bottle directly. Second, make it a hard part of the wall, like a doorframe, or brick. Third, you don’t do a few big bangs like that, you do lots of smaller taps.

You might want to recheck your sources

I bet as many of them live in Admiralty as employees of the one at 95th and Broadway live on the upper west side.

Well, the vast majority of Americans today are not living in houses any larger than 1950s houses. However, the vast majority of Americans today need two incomes to afford that house, vs. one income for most American’s in the 1950s. If it was offered as a straight up trade, I’d bet most people would take it.

...League Two, the fourth-division of English soccer.

Me too

God DAMN can capri pants ruin a good look.

“Kind of boring” or understated? I mean, look at country in the late 80s/early 90s - it was all pretty understated until Garth got big. Pretty great too, if I can admit I’m a fan; and in this case I think you give somewhat short shrift to some really great songwriting (how many other country singers write most of

No sweat, always glad to give people a hard time about tiny details :)

You’re thinking of Summertime Blues. Mercury Blues is a cover of the David Lindley version of an old blues classic. /nerd

Yeah but that’s because for 25+ years you’ve been conditioned to not expect any better. Is that a good thing? To keep letting the country slide right (more military spending, more tax cuts for rich/corporations, less investment in education and other worthwhile social endeavors, more private ownership of public

I’m a Chicagoan and a casual Cubs follower, but holy fuck am I not looking forward to 1-5 weeks of Cubs fans. Last night the bar we were at was going apeshit for every single god damn hit. The first shitty single of the first inning, eruption. Guys really, its the first hit of the first inning of a play-in to the

Wasnt this just on Ballers? Art/life/art etc

I shouldn’t comment because i hate biopics and “based on” movies in general, but, a “based on” that leaves out a key POV (the one that started the whole conversation), definitely sounds worth avoiding.

I definitely don’t. All Scorsese has started to wear on me but that one is definitely my least favorite.

Agree about Taco Bell, they are a true innovator.

. nvm