
THIS sounds interesting! I absolutely hate dusting but I live in an old house, so I have been trying to find the best tool to do it most easily. Is this the kind of dusting want you’re talking about?

If you press down on it, you should feel like you have to pee.

Ah — sorry I misread you. In that case I totally agree with you.

Why do you want to beat on the teachers’ unions? Do you really prefer to have a bunch of recent college grads, with virtually no professional experience, making $24k a year, and turning over every year or two, to be the people responsible for your child’s education? By the way, I’m not a teacher, not in a union

I believe you. And I feel bad because I don’t want to seem like I’m lecturing. There are some amazing charter schools. The original concept of charter schools was a great concept. However, the landscape of charter schools is being taken over by people and institutions who are clearly trying to use it to drain as much

They are non-profit here too. But that actually doesn’t cut down on shenanigans as much as you would think. Many charters turn around and hire out most or all of school management to for-profit companies. They also pay their directors massive salaries. They also receive loans from lenders who receive massive federal

She is not an outlier on that editorial board. And no editorial gets published at a paper that size without a couple levels of editorial review. And, somebody else usually titles columns like these, so it was probably somebody else on the ed board who came up with the original appalling title of “In Chicago, wishing

Well, if the piece had been titled “Chicago would be better without all these blacks”, the rest of the article would still follow pretty naturally...

The back page is worse than ever these days, they are pretty much just mouthpiece for our rightwing nutjob governor.

In Chicago, the difference is that charters get to drive out the worst performing kids, refuse to accept special ed/LD/ESL, and other more challenging populations - children that the public schools must still educate (and should!). Also, their directors get to shove fistfuls of our tax money into their pockets even

This is the best of the many Gawker media articles on this subject. And besides trying to be funny I also mean that sincerely. McQueary’s article was surprisingly abhorrent even by the Tribune’s low standard. The original title was actually “In Chicago, wishing for a Katrina”! They changed that after the initial

Was the original also a dramatic soap opera in the guise of a big battle between X-Men and people who hate X-Men?

You know, if you go by “whoever smelt it dealt it,” the Marlins are actually in the clear here.

Great article. A few simple, useful additions:

What can the allergies/pnd/reflux people do about their bad breath?

Having said all that, you did a zero percent job of explaining how the USSR and China closely followed his tenets, which was the whole point I was making.

Who would ever think that a political party, working with one of the most talented pioneers of modern propaganda technique, might actually use words to motivate people even though they don’t reflect the values of that party.

I can’t recall that part of the Communist Manifesto, or Das Kapital, or any other Marxist writings. Help me out, which one is that in?

No they didn’t, not by a mile. Aside from being totalitarian dictatorships, which are antithetical to marxism, marxism predicts socialism and then communisim will evolve after capitalism peaks and declines. Both of those countries were still agrarian societies that had barely even begun to industrialize.