
To be honest I’d probably agree for the majority of his career - anything that came out after the first allegations isn’t worth the time and he was in steep decline well before that. But Thriller is still a pretty singular work. And I’m not even super into pop. It was just that good.

Also, anyone who can afford to go to the cinema regularly is wealthy. The disposable income required for the tickets, parking, dinner out, etc. is significant.”

That’s assuming quite a bit. Granted I have the benefit of living around a bustling city. But whenever I go to the movies, I take public transportation (if not

Okay now you’re just trolling.

Well, according to Box Office Mojo, it did 4.1 million:

In order to even remotely match what a theater can provide to you, you have to be wealthy beyond your average moviegoer; in that sense, the theater experience is actually a lot more accessible. I have what I think is at least a decent setup, all things considered, but it’s still nowhere close to the theater

Hey, I personally go to the theater way more than I fire up Netflix. Bare in mind I actually do really want the theater experience to go on. I even maybe half-agree with Spielberg here. (I personally think Netflix should have to keep its films in theaters longer to qualify, and maybe make them more widely available

I THINK his argument is that the rule isn’t strict enough, and that Netflix is basically getting away with making the bare minimum effort (in some cases just renting the smallest room in a theater and running it for the required amount of days, before nixing it) to qualify. I personally think Roma should have won

Opinions about the early seasons aside, there was more Homer in the first season than there was Bart. Actually count up the storylines in that season if you don’t believe me. “Bartmania” was a function of marketing, not the show.

“Jerkass Homer” wasn’t just a random thing. It was named after the moment in the episode “The Joy of Sect” when Homer runs around screaming “out of my way, jerkass!” A funny scene, but that was around the time Homer’s excessive assholery was starting to take over.

Having read Simpsons fan comments back in the day I

There are lots of bad things about going to the movies these days, but at the end of the day it’s an extremely “cinematic” film and for my money, yes, it would have been worse on a TV screen. I’m not saying I wouldn’t have enjoyed it, but it relies so much on detail and cinematography, not to mention immersive sound,

Multiplexes are definitely awful, but I guess I’m a little bit blessed in that I live in the NYC area and there are other options. Even still, when I was living in Colorado for instance I still preferred seeing movies in theaters when I could. The audiences were awful, but a FILM on a TV screen just isn’t the same. It

I know you’re joking, but Roma actually did solid enough business in theaters that they kept it in circulation longer than expected, and Alfonso Cuaron commented that it might actually have done better in box office because of Netflix’s hype for it than it would have with another studio. I saw it in a packed theater!

Eh, I’m not expecting it to die or anything, but at the same time I think this is a bit like saying DVD sales are going strong here in 2007 so streaming isn’t going to kill them. At the very least, it is probably going to decline as an industry, even if we are not yet at that point. The studios aren’t concerned

Yeah, I’m personally glad I saw Roma in theaters because I do truly believe it would have lost something at home...but as much as I love the theater experience, Roma was the only movie nominated that I personally would have even nominated. And I don’t want the theater experience to die, but if it does that’s not

And he’s consistently among the more well-liked candidates now among black voters and other minority groups (in fact, he rates better with them than he does with white voters). Something tells me he’ll be fine. 

There’s no evidence that immigrants are any more violent than the general population. It’s just an excuse to surveill and deport brown people, full stop. And while the fewer guns out there the better, deporting people just for buying them is not a proportional response. 

As a Bernie stan, I find your brother’s stance genuinely bizarre I have to say. AOC is exactly the type of person I was hoping Bernie’s 2016 run would inspire to run for office. FWIW, most Bernie fans I know seem to love AOC even more than him. (I certainly count myself in that camp.) 

This is a great point. In fact, assuming she doesn’t win the nomination, I’ve been hoping Warren gets a cabinet post rather than the VP slot. She could do so much in a regulatory role, but foreign policy for instance isn’t especially her strength. 

She can run in 2024! Just barely, but she’ll be 35 before Election Day and more importantly before inauguration. 

I like Fey and Poehler well enough but the unquestioned assumption that they are everyone’s favorite people has become pretty obnoxious. Granted, the same applied to Billy Crystal.