
I, at any point in time, have anywhere from 5-10 projects going. Usually in different mediums, so the demands don’t cross. There’s an inherent rotation built in, that at least keeps me mentally fresh. Or, at least, gives me a chance to play with other things before returning to whichever project I ran aground on.

Yeah, it’s not usually ideal to force something, but you can always keep moving and come back to that part when you find that something the character or story needs. Or, do what I do and bounce between projects so you’re always moving forward on something :)

It Follows was so boring, like Paranormal Activity boring. I quite liked The Babadook, but I wasn’t that scared by it, really. The big disappointment for me this year, though, was The Girl With all the Gifts. I cannot fathom how they got all these quality actors to appear in it, every detail is wrong, every

I run a horror Twitter account (which I’ve neglected recently due to a hectic rehearsal schedule) and I live tweeted that movie. THAT scene was rough and all I could muster to tweet was this gif:

I am totally stealing “nail filer”


I don’t get the It Follows love. I thought it was really boring. I loved The Babadook though and saw creepy shadows for a week afterwards.

AHHHHH Horror movies are my jam. Seriously, I’ve watched MOST of the ones Netflix and HBO Go have to offer. There are some truly terrible ones and it’s getting harder and harder to find good ones on there.

You can’t make a horror story out of Trump’s election that is worse than what is actually happening. I’m supposed to give a shit about some rich white lady who is afraid of clowns? Thanks, but I’m sticking to the horror stories of families who are living in fear of being torn apart and deported, for starters.

Great post. I think another thing that new adopters also overlook is that the dog needs some time and space to figure out how his new pack works. On the German Shepherd forums, many posters advocate a “two week shutdown” period when a new dog is introduced. Dog gets a crate, his food, his exercise, but is basically

I wanna try the oatmeal cookie flavor so badly! I haven’t been able to find it yet.

Unpopular opinion: I hate sea salt + chocolate/caramel whatever combos. I don’t understand the appeal. In theory I like the combo of salty/sweet, like I love a chocolate-covered pretzel, but this sea salt + XYZ combos are not appealing to me.

Sea Salt Caramel is DELICIOUS and all you haters can pry it from my cold dead hands.

I want to offer an alternative explanation, because, as left leaning as I am, this is a bit of a Hot Take™ and you aren’t giving your readers the full scoop here.

you could always put dat cookie down and get to the gym, become more charming, and marry for money. but that takes work

wow.. good job!

Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a

That aisle girl’s face is how I’ve felt for close to a year.

These photos are embarrassing, get over yourself.

Crimping... is back?